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MONO (HS4 limux) and System.Collections.Generic not found

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    MONO (HS4 limux) and System.Collections.Generic not found

    my C# script uses List<> from "using System.Collections.Generic" but fails to find the assembly....

    Any one have idea?

    More info:

    My stock linux HS4 raspberry pi:

    sample code from:

    I can build it and run it in SSH:
    sudo csc /out:listDemo1.exe listDemo1.cs
    mono listDemo1.exe

    BUT if I execute the same code in an event in HS, it fails to compile.

    see pics please.


      Backup first

      Don't know if related but I had a plug-in refuse to run then I installed Mono again from here Option 1 : (Choose Raspbian)

      Then I run this
      install -p /usr/bin/vbc /usr/bin/vbnc
      Fixed the issue and does not break the system

      TinkerLand : Life's Choices,"No One Size Fits All"


        I do see an error if I try to use the "List" object in a .cs script. I only see the error on Linux, Windows is ok. However, I see the error on older versions of HS also, so it looks like this has been around for a while. I will log an issue so we can investigate.
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          awesome. "I see the error on older versions of HS also, so it looks like this has been around for a while. I will log an issue so we can investigate."

          please attach me to the bug so I can be notified of a resolution.

          what version of MONO does HS4 use in linux troller?

          where does HS4 compile a .cs file - some temp folder somewhere?


            seems ANY System.Collections.Generic causes the bug to appear.

            is there a due date when it will be fixed?

            where does HS4 compile a .cs file - some temp folder somewhere? Seems the file that HS passes to CSC is flawed.

