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How to reference ADODB in settings.ini?

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    How to reference ADODB in settings.ini?

    1. I am developing a script which saves device data to a ms-access database using the namepspace ADODB, i.e.:
    Imports ADODB
    When I copy the script to the homeseer3 scripts folder it does not work. I added to the homeseer settings.ini the following:
    But got the following error in the homeseer logfile:
    Compiling script C:\Program Files (x86)\HomeSeer HS3\scripts\jwHomeseerData5.vb: could not find library 'adodb.dll'
    I copied the adodb.dll file from the homeseer BIN folder to the scripts folder, but that did not help. What am I doing wrong?

    2. Furthermore the scripts uses the following namespaces:
    Imports System.IO
    Imports ADODB
    Imports System.Globalization
    What do I to add as reference for the other two namespaces to settings.ini?


    It has been some years since I last used ADO with VB6 (I think) but I think ADODB is a COM interface? I think the ScriptingReferences is just for .Net

    Try taking a look at the System.Data.OleDb namespace, it should allow you to work with Access databases. I think I even wrote a script to query an Access DB to produce charts from mcsTemp some time ago.


      And as if by magic I have found it, this code is somewhat unpleasant now I have looked at it (says I last messed with it in 2012 but I think it was some time before then I wrote it) but if you were looking at querying a database then it may help you.

      Imports System.Data.OleDB
      Imports System.Data
      Imports System.Text
      Sub Main(ByVal Parms As Object)
      Dim colGraphBackG As String = "DCDCDC" 'colour for the graph background - in Hex format
      Dim ColLine As String = "FF0000"
          'colour for the line of the chart - in hex format
          Dim Nation As String = "US"
          Dim ChartTitle As String = "My HSTouch Chart"
          '### ###
          '### Leave These Alone ###
          Dim SensorID As String = ""
          Dim DBPath As String = hs.getapppath & "\mcsTemperature.mdb"
          Dim DivideByTime As Integer = 0
          Dim dS As New DataSet
          Dim conObj As New OleDbConnection
          Dim providerStr As String = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
          Dim sourceStr As String = "Data Source=" & DBPath
          Dim StartDTime As String
          Dim FinishDTime As String
          Dim sD As New StringBuilder
          Dim sT As New StringBuilder
          Dim sG As New StringBuilder
          Dim MaxVal As Integer = 0
          Dim MinVal As Integer = 8000
          Dim usDateTimeFormat As DateTime
          Dim OffSet As Double = 0.5 'this is a +/- value for the axis, adjust to suit
          Dim DTFinish As DateTime
          Dim DTStart As DateTime
          Dim yAxisTStr As String = ""
          '### ###
          '<<< Time >>>
          StartDTime = "12/22/2011 00:01:00 AM"
          FinishDTime = "12/22/2011 10:00:00 PM"
          '<<<      >>>
          If Nation = "US" Then
              yAxisTStr = "h:mm tt" 'see for example formats
              yAxisTStr = "HH:mm"
          End If
          If Parms.Length = 0 Then
              'this tests if the parameter passed is empty, if so it defaults to the family thermostat
              SensorID = "ThermoStatFamily"
              'if not it reads the value in and uses it as the SensorID
              For j As Integer = 0 To (Parms.Length - 1)
                  SensorID = SensorID & Parms(j)
          End If
          If Nation = "US" Then
              DTStart = DateTime.Parse(StartDTime, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us"))
              DTFinish = DateTime.Parse(FinishDTime, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us"))
              DTStart = DateTime.Parse(StartDTime, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-gb"))
              DTFinish = DateTime.Parse(FinishDTime, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-gb"))
          End If
      Dim Span As TimeSpan = DTFinish - DTStart
      Select Case Span.Hours
      Case <= 0
      DivideByTime = 1
      Case 0 to 6
      DivideByTime = 1
      Case 7 to 12
      DivideByTime = 2
      Case 13 to 18
      DivideByTime = 5
      Case 19 to 24
      DivideByTime = 5
      Case > 24
      DivideByTime = 10
      End Select
      conObj.ConnectionString = providerStr & sourceStr
      Dim SQLString As String = "SELECT " & SensorID & ", SampleDate, Minute(SampleDate) FROM Temperature WHERE SampleDate BETWEEN #" & StartDTime & "# AND #" & FinishDTime & "#"
      Dim dA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(SQLString, conObj)
      dA.Fill(dS, "TempTable")
      If dS.Tables("TempTable").Rows.Count = 0 Then
      hs.writelog("DBQ", "There is no data for this period in the database")
      'starts looping through the data in the dataset, adding values to a larger string to eventually pass to the google chart
      'min/maxval are important for the later data scaling of the google chart
      For i As Integer = 0 to (dS.Tables("TempTable").Rows.Count - 1)
      If Nation = "US" Then
      usDateTimeFormat = ds.Tables("TempTable").Rows(i).Item(1).ToString
      usDateTimeFormat = DateTime.Parse(ds.Tables("TempTable").Rows(i).Item(1).ToString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-gb"))
      End If
      If ds.Tables("TempTable").Rows(i).Item(2).ToString Mod DivideByTime = 0 Then
      sD.Append((ds.Tables("TempTable").Rows(i).Item(0) / 100) & ",")
      End If
      If CInt(ds.Tables("TempTable").Rows(i).Item(0) / 100) > MaxVal Then
      MaxVal = CInt(ds.Tables("TempTable").Rows(i).Item(0) / 100)
      End If
      If CInt(ds.Tables("TempTable").Rows(i).Item(0) / 100) < MinVal Then
      MinVal = CInt(ds.Tables("TempTable").Rows(i).Item(0) / 100)
      End If
      If i = 0 then
      sT.Append(usDateTimeFormat.ToString(yAxisTStr) & "|")
      ElseIf i = (dS.Tables("TempTable").Rows.Count - 1) Then
      sT.Append(dtFinish.ToString(yAxisTStr) & "|")
      Select Case Span.Hours
      Case 0 to 2
      If usDateTimeFormat.ToString("mm") = "30" Then
      sT.Append(usDateTimeFormat.ToString(yAxisTStr) & "|")
      ElseIf usDateTimeFormat.ToString("mm") = "15" Then
      sT.Append(usDateTimeFormat.ToString(yAxisTStr) & "|")
      End If
      Case 2 to 12
      If usDateTimeFormat.ToString("mm") = "00" Then
      sT.Append(usDateTimeFormat.ToString(yAxisTStr) & "|")
      End If
      Case 13 to 24
      If usDateTimeFormat.ToString("HH") Mod 5 = 0 Then
      If usDateTimeFormat.ToString("mm") = "00" Then
      sT.Append(usDateTimeFormat.ToString(yAxisTStr) & "|")
      End If
      End If
      End Select
      End If
      'the above statement is for the y-axis Time value, if you print every time to the chart then you will fill the axis too much
      sD.Remove((sD.Length - 1), 1)
      sT.Remove((sT.Length - 1), 1)
      'removes the last comma from the stringbuilder strings
      'starts now to build the actual string for the chart
      With sG
              .Append("&chds=" & (MinVal - OffSet) & "," & (MaxVal + OffSet))       
      	.Append("&chd=t:" & sD.ToString)
              .Append("&chxt=x,y&chxl=0:|" & sT.ToString)
              .Append("&chxr=1," & (MinVal - OffSet) & "," & (MaxVal + OffSet))
      	.Append("&chf=bg,s," & colGraphBackG)
      	.Append("&chco=" & colLine)
      	.Append("&chtt=" & ChartTitle)
      End With
      'hs.writelog("DBQ", "Length Of String: " & sg.Length & " characters")
      'can embed it into the log for debugging, uncomment this line if required
      hs.writelog("DBQ", "<img src='" & sG.ToString & "'>")
      'this now downloads the image, it will save it to the root HS path (C:\Program Files\HomeSeer HSPRO\xxxx.png), the title of the image is the sensorID
      'Dim Result As String = hs.getURLImageEx("", sG.ToString, hs.getapppath & "\html\" & SensorID & ".png")
      'If Result <> "" Then
      'hs.writelog("DBQ", "Error in download of image file from Google Charts: " & Result)
      'End If
      End If
      Catch ex As Exception
      hs.writelog("DBQ", "Unknown Error: " & ex.message)
      End Try
      End Sub


        Hmm. my script is almost ready and is an updated of a homeseer v2 script. I developed it with tenScripting under visual studio 2012 and worked fine in that environment.

        Not checked yet what difference is in commands/possibilities between oledb and ADODB, but I hope somebody can help me with settings.ini as will save me several hours tweaking my script and testing it again.

        Also fetched adodb.dll from the bin folder of homeseer v3, suggesting it can be used



          Bits and pieces of my script showing the difference in commands. As you can see will cost me time if I need to change, presuming I can use the same tricks to get for example the ID of the last record etc.

          So I hope somebody else nows if using ADODB is still possible and how to reference it from settings.ini. The homeseer v3 helptext is not usefull for that.

          NOTE: incomplete example code 
             Dim objConn As ADODB.Connection
             Dim strDatabase As String
             Dim strConnectionString As String
             Dim rsDevices As ADODB.Recordset
              '** OPEN DATABASE **            
              strDatabase = Trim(hs.GetINISetting("Database", "Path", DefaultPath, jwSaveData_IniFile))
              objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
              strConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDatabase
              '** READING INFO FROM table ***
              rsDevices = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
              strSQL = "SELECT tblDevice.* FROM tblDevice WHERE (tblDevice.DeviceObsolete=False) " & _
                       "ORDER BY tblDevice.HomeseerDeviceCategory, tblDevice.HomeseerDeviceRoom, tblDevice.HomeseerDeviceName "
              rsDevices.Open(strSQLdata, objConn, adOpenForwardOnly)
              SavedDeviceList(iSaved).HomeseerDeviceAddress = CheckForNull(rsDevices.Fields.Item("HomeseerDeviceAddress").Value, "")
              SavedDeviceList(iSaved).HomeseerDeviceInterface = CheckForNull(rsDevices.Fields.Item("HomeseerDeviceInterface").Value, "")
              '*** SAVING DATA TO TABLE ***
              sql = "insert into " & DeviceDataTable & " (HomeseerDeviceReferenceID, HomeseerDeviceName, ReceivedDateTime, ReceivedValue, Remark) " & _
                    "values (" & DeviceRef & ", '" & DeviceName & "', #" & Format(CurrentDateTime, "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") & "#,'" & strNewValue & "','" & Remark & "')"    
              'Get ID of just added data record
              rsTemp.Open("SELECT @@identity AS NewID", objConn)
              DataRecordID = rsTemp("NewID").Value
              'Save timespan to previous data record
              If PreviousDataRecordID <> jwNULLvalue Then
                  strSQL = "UPDATE " & DeviceDataTable & " SET Duration_Minutes = " & Replace(CStr(TimeSpan), ",", ".") & " WHERE (ID=" & PreviousDataRecordID & ")"
              End If
              'Save last value and data record ID to tblDevices
              strSQL = "UPDATE tblDevice SET DeviceLastSavedDate = #" & Format(CurrentDateTime, "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") & "#, DeviceLastSavedValue = '" & NewValue & "', DeviceLastDataRecordID =" & DataRecordID & " " & _
                       "WHERE (HomeseerDeviceReferenceID=" & DeviceRef & ") "


            I think MrHappy is right. ADODB is very old technology that was never intended for use in .Net beyond backwards compatibility for project upgraded from VB6. ADO.Net is the standard for .Net. I don't know of any way to make ADODB load in HS3 since it's not a .Net library.

            For what it's worth, here is another example of ADO.Net / OleDb that includes logic to get the last record ID...

                 Private Function DB_InsertChemicalPumpDose(ByVal recordDate As DateTime, ByVal doseChemical As String, _
                    ByVal doseType As String, ByVal doseRuntime As Int32, ByVal doseVolume As Int32, ByVal actualDoseRuntime As Int32) As Int32
                     Dim Conn As New OleDbConnection
                     Dim CmdInsert As New OleDbCommand
                        'Open database connection.
                        Conn.ConnectionString = _DBConnString
                        'Prepare the database command.
                        With CmdInsert
                            .Connection = Conn
                            .CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
                            .CommandText = "INSERT INTO ChemicalPumpDose " & _
                                           "(RecordDate, DoseChemical, DoseType, DoseRuntime, DoseVolume, ActualDoseRuntime) " & _
                                           "VALUES " & _
                                           "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
                            .Parameters.Add("", OleDbType.Date).Value = recordDate
                            .Parameters.Add("", OleDbType.VarWChar).Value = doseChemical
                            .Parameters.Add("", OleDbType.VarWChar).Value = doseType
                            .Parameters.Add("", OleDbType.Integer).Value = doseRuntime
                            .Parameters.Add("", OleDbType.Integer).Value = doseVolume
                            .Parameters.Add("", OleDbType.Integer).Value = actualDoseRuntime
                        End With
                        'Execute the database command.
                        Dim AffectedRows As Int32 = CmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery()
                        'Get the MS Access autonumber.
                        CmdInsert.CommandText = "SELECT @@Identity;"
                        Dim RecordID As Int32 = Convert.ToInt32(CmdInsert.ExecuteScalar)
                         Return RecordID
                        If Conn IsNot Nothing Then Conn.Dispose()
                        If CmdInsert IsNot Nothing Then CmdInsert.Dispose()
                    End Try
                 End Function

