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Device ID returning -1

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    Device ID returning -1

    I'm tinkering with an example from the HS documentation... getting the ID of a device by device name is turning out to be problematic for some reason. I'm populating a variable with the device name and when the code executes the device ID value is -1 but when I replace the variable with the actual device name text that is populating the variable I get the device ID.

    Dim objCAPIControl As CAPIControl
    Dim dvRef As Integer
    dvRef = hs.GetDeviceRefByName("" & room & device & "")
    hs.WriteLog("BuildRequest()", "deviceID: " & dvRef)
    hs.WriteLog("BuildRequest()", "devicename: " & room & device)
    objCAPIControl = hs.CAPIGetSingleControlByUse(dvRef, ePairControlUse._On)
    If objCAPIControl IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    From the log using the variables

    deviceID: -1
    devicename: kitchen light

    From the log using entered text

    deviceID: 81
    devicename: kitchen light

    I'm at a loss why I'm getting a -1 value when I'm populating with valid device values

    Quickly looking at this it appears your are passing the string KitchenLight vs Kitchen Light. Change the GetDevice to room & " " & device....


      bsobel - When I use the two variables together I made sure there was a space incorporated with one of them... but I manually added a space as you suggested and didn't get a different result.... still returning -1


        Finally discovered the cause. Going line by line, I found a Trim() function was being applied to the variables in a parsing routine that gets called. Removing that resolved the issue.

