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hs1 to hs2

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    hs1 to hs2

    Hello, Ive been trying for about a week to get the parallel port plugin working with hs2. My coding skills are very limited (web stuff, php ,ect.)

    The prob. is with GetDevice needing to be switched to GetDeviceEnumerator. Im at a complete loss at how this is done.

    Could someone please look at this code and give me a hand.

    The hs1 working code.
    Sub CreateDevices()
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim h As Integer
        Dim d As Integer
        Dim index As Integer
        Dim dv
        Dim unit As Integer
        Dim house_code As String
        Dim dev_code As Integer
        On Error Resume Next
        Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
        ' first, check to see if our devices are created already
        h = "["
        For j = 1 To MAX_IO_CODES
            For i = 1 To hs.DeviceCount
                Set dv = hs.GetDevice(i)
                If dv.interface = IFACE_NAME And dv.iotype = IOTYPE_VARIABLE Then
                    MsgBox "Your variables appear to be created already. Please delete them before attempting to rebuild them", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly
                    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            h = Chr(Asc(h) + 1)
        ' create 6 variables
        ' call back to HS to get a free housecode
        house_code = callback.GetNextFreeIOCode
        ' exit if all codes are used
        If house_code = -1 Then
            MsgBox "HSPI_PPortIO ERROR. Sorry, all device codes used", vbCritical + vbOKOnly
            Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' save this for restore later
        SaveSetting "hspi_PPortIO", "Settings", "gbasecode", house_code
        SaveSetting "hspi_PPortIO", "Settings", "LPTport", Port
        gbasecode = Chr(house_code)
        ' create the devices
        ' note the special "iotype" property that must be set
        dev_code = 1
        For i = 0 To 11
            index = hs.NewDevice("Variable " + Trim(Str(i)))
            Set dv = hs.GetDevice(index)
            dv.location = "PPortIO Device"
            dv.hc = Chr(house_code)
            dv.dc = Trim(Str(dev_code))
            dv.interface = IFACE_NAME
            dv.iotype = IOTYPE_VARIABLE
            dv.Status = NO_X10
            dv.misc = 0             ' On/Off only, no dim
            dv.dev_type_string = "PPortIO Variable"
            dev_code = dev_code + 1
        Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
        MsgBox "Created 12 devices"
    End Sub
    Ive tried this which will create the 12 devices but it sets all 12 output pins on, and on/off from hs2 has no effect .
    Sub CreateDevices()
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim h As Integer
        Dim d As Integer
        Dim index As Integer
        Dim dv As Object
        Dim lIndex As Integer
      '  Dim dv
        Dim unit As Integer
        Dim house_code As String
        Dim dev_code As Integer
        Dim DE As Object
        On Error Resume Next
        Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
        ' first, check to see if our devices are created already
                DE = hs.GetDeviceEnumerator
                If Not DE Is Nothing Then
                    Do While Not DE.Finished
                        dv = DE.GetNext
                        If Not dv Is Nothing Then
                            If dv.interface = IFACE_NAME Then
                                ' already exist, just exit
                                Exit Sub
                            End If
                        End If
                End If
        ' create 6 variables
        ' call back to HS to get a free housecode
        house_code = callback.GetNextFreeIOCode
        ' exit if all codes are used
        If house_code = -1 Then
            MsgBox "HSPI_PPortIO ERROR. Sorry, all device codes used", vbCritical + vbOKOnly
            Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' save this for restore later
        SaveSetting "hspi_PPortIO", "Settings", "gbasecode", house_code
        SaveSetting "hspi_PPortIO", "Settings", "LPTport", Port
        gbasecode = Chr(house_code)
        ' create the devices
        ' note the special "iotype" property that must be set
        dev_code = 1
                ' this is a good place to actually assign the real zone names
            For i = 0 To 11
            lIndex = hs.NewDeviceRef("Zone " & Trim(Str(i)))
            dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(lIndex)
            dv.location = "PPortIO Device"
            dv.hc = Chr(house_code)
            dv.dc = Trim(Str(dev_code))
            dv.interface = IFACE_NAME
            dv.iotype = IOTYPE_VARIABLE
            dv.Status = NO_X10
            dv.misc = 0             ' On/Off only, no dim
            dv.dev_type_string = "PPortIO Variable"
            dev_code = dev_code + 1
        Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
        MsgBox "Created 12 devices"
    End Sub
    Any help would be great.

    Also heres the full vb source. the vb project is in the pportIO folder. the port95nt folder has the need DLPORTIO.BAS
    Attached Files

    Ok I was way over thinking this...
    Ive got it working as far as controling on/off.
    Now im just missing the status. With any of the 12 devices on or off, the status shows "0" in hs2. any ideas?.

    Sub CreateDevices()
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim h As Integer
        Dim d As Integer
        Dim index As Integer
        Dim dv
        Dim unit As Integer
        Dim house_code As String
        Dim dev_code As Integer
        On Error Resume Next
        Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
        ' first, check to see if our devices are created already
        h = "["
        For j = 1 To MAX_IO_CODES
            For i = 1 To hs.DeviceCount
                ' Set dv = hs.GetDevice(i)
                Set dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(i)
                If dv.interface = IFACE_NAME And dv.iotype = IOTYPE_VARIABLE Then
                    MsgBox "Your variables appear to be created already. Please delete them before attempting to rebuild them", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly
                    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            h = Chr(Asc(h) + 1)
        ' create 6 variables
        ' call back to HS to get a free housecode
        house_code = callback.GetNextFreeIOCode
        ' exit if all codes are used
        If house_code = -1 Then
            MsgBox "HSPI_PPortIO ERROR. Sorry, all device codes used", vbCritical + vbOKOnly
            Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' save this for restore later
        SaveSetting "hspi_PPortIO", "Settings", "gbasecode", house_code
        SaveSetting "hspi_PPortIO", "Settings", "LPTport", Port
        gbasecode = Chr(house_code)
        ' create the devices
        ' note the special "iotype" property that must be set
        dev_code = 1
        For i = 0 To 11
            '  index = hs.NewDevice("Variable " + Trim(Str(i)))
            index = hs.NewDeviceRef("Variable " & Trim(Str(i)))
            '  Set dv = hs.GetDevice(index)
            Set dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(index)
            dv.location = "PPortIO Device"
            dv.hc = Chr(house_code)
            dv.dc = Trim(Str(dev_code))
            dv.interface = IFACE_NAME
            dv.iotype = IOTYPE_VARIABLE
            dv.Status = NO_X10
            dv.misc = 0             ' On/Off only, no dim
            dv.dev_type_string = "PPortIO Variable"
            dev_code = dev_code + 1
        Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
        MsgBox "Created 12 devices"
    End Sub
    What Im I missing for status?


      What are you trying to accomplish with the following statement:

      dv.Status = NO_X10



        Im not sure. That was in the script already. This is MikeMatthews script, very old.


          Last edited by ; December 23, 2009, 01:01 PM. Reason: double post


            Last edited by ; December 23, 2009, 01:02 PM. Reason: triple post


              Sub CreateDevices()
                      Dim i As Integer
                      Dim j As Integer
                      Dim h As Integer
                      Dim d As Integer
                      Dim index As Integer
                      'Dim dv
                      Dim dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass
                      Dim unit As Integer
                      Dim house_code As String
                      Dim dev_code As Integer
                      On Error Resume Next
                      Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
                      ' first, check to see if our devices are created already
                      h = Asc("[")
                      For j = 1 To MAX_IO_CODES
                          For i = 1 To hs.DeviceCount
                              ' Set dv = hs.GetDevice(i)
                              dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(i)
                              If dv.interface = IFACE_NAME And dv.iotype = IOTYPE_VARIABLE Then
                                  MsgBox("Your variables appear to be created already. Please delete them before attempting to rebuild them", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly)
                                  Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
                                  Exit Sub
                              End If
                          h = Asc(h) + 1
                      ' create 6 variables
                      ' call back to HS to get a free housecode
                      house_code = callback.GetNextFreeIOCode
                      ' exit if all codes are used
                      If house_code = -1 Then
                          MsgBox("HSPI_PPortIO ERROR. Sorry, all device codes used", vbCritical + vbOKOnly)
                          Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
                          Exit Sub
                      End If
                      ' save this for restore later
                      SaveSetting("hspi_PPortIO", "Settings", "gbasecode", house_code)
                      SaveSetting("hspi_PPortIO", "Settings", "LPTport", Port)
                      gbasecode = Chr(house_code)
                      ' create the devices
                      ' note the special "iotype" property that must be set
                      dev_code = 1
                      For i = 0 To 11
                          '  index = hs.NewDevice("Variable " + Trim(Str(i)))
                          index = hs.NewDeviceRef("Variable " & Trim(Str(i)))
                          '  Set dv = hs.GetDevice(index)
                          dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(index)
                          dv.location = "PPortIO Device"
                          dv.hc = Chr(house_code)
                          dv.dc = Trim(Str(dev_code))
                          dv.interface = IFACE_NAME
                          dv.iotype = IOTYPE_VARIABLE
                          'dv.status = NO_X10
                          dv.status_support = True
                          dv.misc = 0             ' On/Off only, no dim
                          dv.dev_type_string = "PPortIO Variable"
                          dev_code = dev_code + 1
                      Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
                      MsgBox("Created 12 devices")
                  End Sub
              Made a few changes, hope they help. What are these devices you are creating used for?



                Thanks but i get a build error with
                Dim dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass
                And as for the use, I was going to use these to control Christmas lights with a parallel port relay controller. Its alittile late for that now (maybe next year), but with the parallel port just sitting there unused might as well make use of it.


                  Might the prob. be in the HSPIControl.ctl.

                  Public Function InterfaceStatus() As Integer
                      InterfaceStatus = ERR_NONE
                  End Function
                  ' this function is called when an action on a device is to be executed.
                  ' if a device's status is set to ON or OFF, or its value changes, this function is called
                  ' note that this will be called for ALL I/O devices. You must check and make sure that
                  ' the housecode value belongs to you. When your control is initialized, allocate a free
                  ' housecode and save it in the registry. Restore it whenever you are initialized
                  Public Sub SetIO(dv As Variant, housecode As String, devicecode As String, command As Integer, brightness As Integer, data1 As Integer, data2 As Integer)
                      On Error Resume Next
                      Dim devstat As Integer, a As Integer, b As Integer
                      Dim comstr As String
                      Dim hci, comleft, comright
                  Const BinValues = "0000000100100011" & _
                                      "0100010101100111" & _
                                        "1000100110101011" & _
                  comstr = ""
                  If housecode = gbasecode Then
                        ' its for us
                      If devicecode < 9 Then
                          a = 1
                          b = 7
                          portadd = lptval
                      End If
                      If devicecode >= 9 Then
                          a = 9
                          b = 3
                          portadd = lptct
                      End If
                          For i = 0 To b
                              hci = gbasecode & (a + i)
                              If i = devicecode - a Then
                                  devstat = command
                                  If devstat <> 2 Then devstat = 3
                                  devstat = hs.devicestatus(hci)
                                  If devstat = 17 Or devstat = 4 Then
                                      devstat = 3
                                      hs.setdevicestatus hci, devstat
                                  End If
                              End If
                              If a + i = 12 Or a + i = 11 Or a + i = 9 Then
                                  comstr = comstr & Abs(Str(Abs(devstat - 3)) - 1)
                                  comstr = comstr & Str(Abs(devstat - 3))
                              End If
                          comstr = Replace(comstr, " ", "")
                          'hs.writelog "PPortIO", "Setting output, command: " & comstr
                          i = 0
                          Do Until Left(comstr, 4) = Mid(BinValues, i * 4 + 1, 4)
                              'hs.WriteLog "hex1", Left(comstr, 4) & ":" & Mid(BinValues, i * 4 + 1, 4)
                              i = i + 1
                              If i > 17 Then Exit Do
                          comleft = Hex(i)
                          comright = ""
                          If Len(comstr) > 4 Then
                              i = 0
                              Do Until Right(comstr, 4) = Mid(BinValues, i * 4 + 1, 4)
                                  'hs.WriteLog "hex1", Right(comstr, 4) & ":" & Mid(BinValues, i * 4 + 1, 4)
                                  i = i + 1
                                  If i > 17 Then Exit Do
                              comright = Hex(i)
                          End If
                          comstr = comleft & comright
                          Value = Val("&H" & comstr)
                          'hs.writelog "PPortIO sent", "Port=" & portadd & " value=" & Value & " Comstr=" & comstr
                          DlPortWritePortUchar Val(portadd), Value
                  End If
                  End Sub
                  ' when some action happens to your device, use the base housecode and call back into
                  ' HS to set the status of your virtual devices like:
                  ' hs.SetDeviceStatus gbasecode+"1",UON
                  Private Function parseIO(Message As String)
                  Dim hex2bin As String
                  Dim i As Integer
                  Const BinValues = "0000000100100011" & _
                                        "0100010101100111" & _
                                        "1000100110101011" & _
                  Message = Replace(Message, "par[", "")
                  Message = Replace(Message, "]", "")
                      For i = 1 To Len(Message)
                          hex2bin = hex2bin & Mid$(BinValues, 4 * Val("&h" & Mid$(Message, i, 1)) + 1, 4)
                  parseIO = hex2bin
                  End Function

