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Scripts Linking Scripts

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    Scripts Linking Scripts

    Hi All,

    I am looking at some of my coding (which i must admit of very much cobbled together) and trying to work out if there is a better way to sanitize it all. Basically I have a large number of scripts that get triggered from one action (e.g. Pager Message Received). Some of these scripts are independent of others (e.g. Recording the message to a database) whilst others a linked, I will give you an example

    Pager Message Recieved.

    then triggers
    RecordtoDB.vb ---> Records Message to Database
    LocalAlerts.vb ---> Checks another database to see if the user should be emailed based on the call and their options (e.g. email on call type x in location Y)

    Then it triggers another script, which determines if the call is of interest to me, if so it then triggers:
    ParseMelways.vb --> Extracts the URL for a melways reference and saves an image to a device using Jon00's Image Capture Tool
    ExtractMap.vb--> Takes the above URL, parses through the source and extracts a latitude and longitude, creates google map images, emails them to me and saves them as devices.

    This is very messy, but it does function, what I am interested though is how to make it a bit easier for me. The latest thing I have going (thanks to those who helped) is another script which takes in an input (being latitude and longitude) and then compares this against an RSS feed to find the exact coordinates (i can get close, but not exact).

    This last script is perfect for what i need to do, but is there any way I can incorporate this into one of my scripts as a function without actually having to put the function in the script (if that makes sense). My concern is that I have 100's of scripts and I would much rather not cross link them all or make them any 'fatter' than they need to be, where they are independent it is fine but in the last example where it takes an input, compares to an RSS feed then gives an output, i would love to have it as a function that I can make available to lots of my scripts, feed it in the input (being Lat Long, or whatever) and have it spit back out the result

    e.g. in my script i might do:

    hs.writelog("Address", GetClosestLatLng(Latitude,Longitude)) which then accesses another script somewhere else, and the function below to return the string Latitude,Longitude


    PHP Code:
    Imports System.Xml
    Imports System

    Public Function GetClosestLatLng(ByVal Parms As Object)
    Dim Parm() as String
    Dim Latitude As String Parm(0)
    Dim Longitude As String Parm(1)
    Dim Distance2Address As Integer
            Dim LatLongString 
    As String ""
    Dim XMLNews As New XmlDocument
            Dim ns 
    As XmlNameSpaceManager = New XmlNameSpaceManager(XMLNews.NameTable)
    Dim XMLNewsNodeList As XmlNodeList
            Dim XMLNewsNode 
    As XmlNode
            Dim DevStr 
    As String ""
    Dim DescStr As String ""
    Dim DescStr1 As String
            Dim SplitStr
    () As String

            Dim URLString 
    As String ""

    XMLNewsNodeList XMLNews.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item"ns)
    Each XMLNewsNode In XMLNewsNodeList
                Dim GeoRssColl 
    As XmlNodeList XMLNewsNode.SelectNodes("georss:collection"ns)
    Each XmlPoint As XmlNode In GeoRssColl
    If XmlPoint.InnerText <> "" Then
    " - " XmlPoint.InnerText
    'hs.WriteLog("RSS", DescStr.Remove(0, 3))
                        DescStr1 = DescStr.Remove(0, 3)
                        SplitStr = DescStr1.Split(" ")
    hs.WriteLog("RSS - Latitude"SplitStr(0)) 
    'hs.WriteLog("RSS - Longitude", SplitStr(1)) 
    hs.WriteLog("RSS - Distance"distance(LatitudeLongitudeSplitStr(0), SplitStr(1), "K"))
    Distance2Address vbEmpty Then
    distance(LatitudeLongitudeSplitStr(0), SplitStr(1), "K")
    LatLongString DescStr1
    distance(LatitudeLongitudeSplitStr(0), SplitStr(1), "K") < Distance2Address Then
    distance(LatitudeLongitudeSplitStr(0), SplitStr(1), "K")
    LatLongString DescStr1
    End If

    DescStr ""
    End If
    If Distance2Address <> vbEmpty Then
    .WriteLog("FIRECALL DISTANCE""Closest call to this address is: " LatLongString " At a distance of: " Distance2Address.ToString)
    End If
    End Function

    :::                                                                         :::
    ':::  This routine calculates the distance between two points (given the     :::
    :::  latitude/longitude of those points). It is being used to calculate     :::
    ':::  the distance between two locations using  GeoDataSource(TM) products   :::
    :::                                                                         :::
    ':::  Definitions:                                                           :::
    :::    South latitudes are negativeeast longitudes are positive           :::
    ':::                                                                         :::
    :::  Passed to function:                                                    :::
    ':::    lat1, lon1 = Latitude and Longitude of point 1 (in decimal degrees)  :::
    :::    lat2lon2 Latitude and Longitude of point 2 (in decimal degrees)  :::
    ':::    unit = the unit you desire for results                               :::
    :::           where'M' is statute miles                                   :::
    ':::                  'K' is kilometers (default)                            :::
    :::                  'N' is nautical miles                                  :::
    ':::                                                                         :::
    :::  Worldwide cities and other features databases with latitude longitude  :::
    ':::  are available at                             :::
    :::                                                                         :::
    ':::  For enquiries, please contact                  :::
    :::                                                                         :::
    ':::  Official Web site:                        :::
    :::                                                                         :::
    ':::    (C) All Rights Reserved 2013              :::
    :::                                                                         :::

        Const pi = 3.1415926535897931

        Function distance(ByVal lat1, ByVal lon1, ByVal lat2, ByVal lon2, ByVal unit)
            Dim theta, dist
            theta = lon1 - lon2
            dist = sin(deg2rad(lat1)) * sin(deg2rad(lat2)) + cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * cos(deg2rad(theta))
    response.write("dist = " dist "<br>")
    dist acos(dist)
    dist rad2deg(dist)
    'response.write("dist = " & dist & "<br>")
            distance = dist * 60 * 1.1515
            Select Case ucase(unit)
                Case "K"
                    distance = distance * 1.609344
                Case "N"
                    distance = distance * 0.8684
            End Select
        End Function

    ':::  This function get the arccos function using arctan function   :::
    acos(ByVal rad)
    Abs(rad) <> 1 Then
    pi Atan(rad Sqrt(rad rad))
    rad = -1 Then
    End Function

    :::  This function converts decimal degrees to radians             :::
        Function deg2rad(ByVal Deg)
            deg2rad = CDbl(Deg * pi / 180)
        End Function

    ':::  This function converts radians to decimal degrees             :::
    rad2deg(ByVal Rad)
    rad2deg CDbl(Rad 180 pi)
    End Function 
    HS3 PRO, Win10, WeatherXML, HSTouch, Pushover, UltraGCIR, Heaps of Jon00 Plugins, Just sold and about to move so very slim system.

    Facebook | Twitter | Flickr | Google+ | Website | YouTube

    I think what you might be after is a Module which would be a file full of functions that you could then call easily from any script but I've never seen one used in a script and doubt you could set it up unfortunately.

