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Ultra View2 Log outside the US

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    Ultra View2 Log outside the US

    Because of some strange SQL behaviour I had to change a part of ultra_view2_log.asp which is in the included zip. It's only necessary if your system doesn't use the US or ANSI date-format and if you receive an error because of that.


    Never say never again ...
    Attached Files

    I wish you could share this with the authors of plugins and scripts.
    I could not use some of them (secure links, includes, ultraview) because using non-US date and database format, and the JDS plugin gave hard time to its developper to accept European date format.
    Could you develop your changes for them ?
    Visit zee e-maison :


      ... but am willing to help you. So if you like you can send me the files you want to get changed by email.

      And here are the changes I've made:
      1. in 'sub main()' you've to change:
      'if Not IsDate(dBeginDate) then dBeginDate = FormatDateTime(Now(), vbShortDate) & " 11:59:59 PM"
      if Not IsDate(dEndDate) then dEndDate = FormatDateTime(Now() - 1, vbShortDate) & " 11:59:59 PM"'
      'if Not IsDate(dBeginDate) then dBeginDate = FormatDateTime(Now(), vbShortDate) & " 23:59:59"
      if Not IsDate(dEndDate) then dEndDate = FormatDateTime(Now() - 1, vbShortDate) & " 23:59:59"'

      2. in 'function GetLogData(dBeginDate, dEndDate, strFilterType, strSortDir)' you've to insert after the 'dim'-functions:
      'dim temp, date1, date2
      date1 = mid(dBeginDate, 4, 2) & "/"
      date1 = date1 & mid(dBeginDate, 1, 2) & "/"
      date1 = date1 & mid(dBeginDate, 7, 5)
      date1 = date1 & mid(dBeginDate, 12, 8)
      date2 = mid(dEndDate, 4, 2) & "/"
      date2 = date2 & mid(dEndDate, 1, 2) & "/"
      date2 = date2 & mid(dEndDate, 7, 5)
      date2 = date2 & mid(dEndDate, 12, 8)'

      and then you've to change:
      'strSQL = "SELECT Log_Date, Log_Type, Log_Data " _
      & "FROM tblLog " _
      & "WHERE Log_Date < #" & cDate(dBeginDate) & "# " _
      & "AND Log_Date > #" & cDate(dEndDate) & "# " _
      & "AND Log_Type LIKE '" & strFilterType & "' " _
      & "ORDER BY Log_Date " & strSortDir'
      'strSQL = "SELECT Log_Date, Log_Type, Log_Data " _
      & "FROM tblLog " _
      & "WHERE Log_Date < #" & date1 & "# " _
      & "AND Log_Date > #" & date2 & "# " _
      & "AND Log_Type LIKE '" & strFilterType & "' " _
      & "ORDER BY Log_Date " & strSortDir'


      Never say never again ...

