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Solar Position Script

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    Actually, it looks like the scripts create the virtual devices, which is interesting but he doesn't elaborate on if the corordinates need to be changed or where to do that.


      Originally posted by pcgirl65 View Post
      I am just seeing this solution and it is exactly what I have been looking for. However, I am not very familiar with how to use scripts in events. Can someone help me with this and also, where exactly in the script to I have to enter my coordinates? Sorry for the dumb questions but I would like to use this idea but I have no knowledge of VB.
      I took the liberty of modifying the script to better suit my needs, and my changes might be helpfull to you.

      ' Version: 30 September 2021 B
      'From c code posted here:
      'VB.NET Conversion posted here:
      'converted for HomeSeer use by Sparkman v1.0
      'Modified to allow for determining Sunrise and Sunset Azimuths by aa6vh
      'Requires two Virtual Devices to hold the info: Night and WxSolar
      Imports System.Math
      Private Function BearConvert(ByVal sBear As String) As String
        If IsNumeric(sBear) = False Then Return "-"
        Dim iBear As Integer = CInt(sBear)
        Do While iBear >= 360
         iBear = iBear - 360
        Do While iBear < 0
          iBear = iBear + 360
        iBear = CInt(Math.Round(CSng((iBear * 2) / 45)))
        Dim sDeg As String = "N,NNE,NE,ENE,E,ESE,SE,SSE,S,SSW,SW,WSW,W,WNW,NW,NNE,N"
        Dim buff(18) As String
        buff = sDeg.Split(",")
        Return buff(iBear)
      End Function
      Private Sub SolarPosition(ByRef dt As DateTime, ByRef sAzm As String, ByRef sAlt As String)
        Dim Debug As Boolean = False
        Dim logName As String = "Solar"
        Dim dLatitude As Double = 34.2220281
        Dim dLongitude As Double = -119.1724294
        Dim pi As Double = 3.14159265358979
        Dim rad As Double = pi / 180
        Dim dEarthMeanRadius As Double = 6371.01
        Dim dAstronomicalUnit As Double = 149597890
        Dim iYear As Integer = dt.Year
        Dim iMonth As Integer = dt.Month
        Dim iDay As Integer = dt.Day
        Dim dHours As Double = dt.Hour
        Dim dMinutes As Double = dt.Minute
        Dim dSeconds As Double = dt.Second
        Dim dZenithAngle As Double
        Dim dZenithAngleParallax As Double
        Dim dAzimuth As Double
        Dim dAltitudeAngle As Double
        Dim dElapsedJulianDays As Double
        Dim dDecimalHours As Double
        Dim dEclipticLongitude As Double
        Dim dEclipticObliquity As Double
        Dim dRightAscension As Double
        Dim dDeclination As Double
        Dim dY As Double
        Dim dX As Double
        Dim dJulianDate As Double
        Dim liAux1 As Integer
        Dim liAux2 As Integer
        Dim dMeanLongitude As Double
        Dim dMeanAnomaly As Double
        Dim dOmega As Double
        Dim dSin_EclipticLongitude As Double
        Dim dGreenwichMeanSiderealTime As Double
        Dim dLocalMeanSiderealTime As Double
        Dim dLatitudeInRadians As Double
        Dim dHourAngle As Double
        Dim dCos_Latitude As Double
        Dim dSin_Latitude As Double
        Dim dCos_HourAngle As Double
        Dim dParallax As Double
          If Debug Then hs.WriteLog(logName, CStr(iMonth) + "-" + CStr(iDay) + "-" + CStr(iYear) + " " + CStr(dHours) + ":" + CStr(dMinutes) + ":" + CStr(dSeconds))
      ' Calculate difference in days between the current Julian Day and JD 2451545.0, which is noon 1 January 2000 Universal Time
      ' Calculate time of the day in UT decimal hours
          dDecimalHours = dHours + (dMinutes + dSeconds / 60.0) / 60.0
      ' Calculate current Julian Day
          liAux1 = (iMonth - 14) \ 12
          liAux2 = (1461 * (iYear + 4800 + liAux1)) \ 4 + (367 * (iMonth - 2 - 12 * liAux1)) \ 12 - (3 * ((iYear + 4900 + liAux1) \ 100)) \ 4 + iDay - 32075
          dJulianDate = CDbl(liAux2) - 0.5 + dDecimalHours / 24.0
      ' Calculate difference between current Julian Day and JD 2451545.0
          dElapsedJulianDays = dJulianDate - 2451545.0
          If Debug Then hs.writelog(logName,"Elapsed Julian Days Since 2000/01/01: " & CStr(dElapsedJulianDays))
      ' Calculate ecliptic coordinates (ecliptic longitude and obliquity of the ecliptic in radians but without limiting the angle to be less than 2*Pi
      ' (i.e., the result may be greater than 2*Pi)
          dOmega = 2.1429 - 0.0010394594 * dElapsedJulianDays
          dMeanLongitude = 4.895063 + 0.017202791698 * dElapsedJulianDays ' Radians
          dMeanAnomaly = 6.24006 + 0.0172019699 * dElapsedJulianDays
          dEclipticLongitude = dMeanLongitude + 0.03341607 * Math.Sin(dMeanAnomaly) + 0.00034894 * Math.Sin(2 * dMeanAnomaly) - 0.0001134 - 0.0000203 * Math.Sin(dOmega)
          dEclipticObliquity = 0.4090928 - 0.000000006214 * dElapsedJulianDays + 0.0000396 * Math.Cos(dOmega)
          If Debug Then hs.writelog(logName,"Ecliptic Longitude: " & CStr(dEclipticLongitude))
          If Debug Then hs.writelog(logName,"Ecliptic Obliquity: " & CStr(dEclipticObliquity))
      ' Calculate celestial coordinates ( right ascension and declination ) in radians but without limiting the angle to be less than 2*Pi (i.e., the result may be greater than 2*Pi)
          dSin_EclipticLongitude = Math.Sin(dEclipticLongitude)
          dY = Math.Cos(dEclipticObliquity) * dSin_EclipticLongitude
          dX = Math.Cos(dEclipticLongitude)
          dRightAscension = Math.Atan2(dY, dX)
          If dRightAscension < 0.0 Then
            dRightAscension = dRightAscension + (2 * pi)
          End If
          dDeclination = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(dEclipticObliquity) * dSin_EclipticLongitude)
          If Debug Then hs.writelog(logName,"Declination: " & CStr(dDeclination))
      ' Calculate local coordinates ( azimuth and zenith angle ) in degrees
          dGreenwichMeanSiderealTime = 6.6974243242 + 0.0657098283 * dElapsedJulianDays + dDecimalHours
          dLocalMeanSiderealTime = (dGreenwichMeanSiderealTime * 15 + dLongitude) * rad
          dHourAngle = dLocalMeanSiderealTime - dRightAscension
          If Debug Then hs.writelog(logName,"Hour Angle: " & CStr(dHourAngle))
          dLatitudeInRadians = dLatitude * rad
          dCos_Latitude = Math.Cos(dLatitudeInRadians)
          dSin_Latitude = Math.Sin(dLatitudeInRadians)
          dCos_HourAngle = Math.Cos(dHourAngle)
          dZenithAngle = (Math.Acos(dCos_Latitude * dCos_HourAngle * Math.Cos(dDeclination) + Math.Sin(dDeclination) * dSin_Latitude))
          dY = -Math.Sin(dHourAngle)
          dX = Math.Tan(dDeclination) * dCos_Latitude - dSin_Latitude * dCos_HourAngle
          dAzimuth = Math.Atan2(dY, dX)
          If dAzimuth < 0.0 Then
            dAzimuth = dAzimuth + (2 * pi)
          End If
          dAzimuth = dAzimuth / rad
          If Debug Then hs.writelog(logName,"Azimuth: " & CStr(dAzimuth))
      ' Parallax Correction
          dParallax = (dEarthMeanRadius / dAstronomicalUnit) * Math.Sin(dZenithAngle)
          dZenithAngleParallax = (dZenithAngle + dParallax) / rad
          dAltitudeAngle = (dZenithAngleParallax * -1) + 90
          If Debug Then hs.writelog(logName,"Altitude Angle: " & Math.Round(dAltitudeAngle).ToString)
          sAzm = Math.Round(dAzimuth).ToString
          sAlt = Math.Round(dAltitudeAngle).ToString
        Catch ex As Exception
          hs.WriteLog(logName, "Exception " & ex.ToString)
        End Try
      End Sub
      Public Sub SunRiseSet(parms As Object)
      ' Determines the azimuth of the sun for sunrise and sunset times
        Dim buff As String
        Dim sAzm As String = "", sAlt As String = "", sAzms As String = "", sAlts As String = ""
        buff = hs.Sunrise()
        Dim dt As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(buff)
        dt = dt.ToUniversalTime()
        SolarPosition(dt, sAzm, sAlt)
        buff = hs.Sunset()
        dt = DateTime.Parse(buff)
        dt = dt.ToUniversalTime()
        SolarPosition(dt, sAzms, sAlts)
        buff = LCase(hs.Sunrise() + " " + sAzm + "°/" + hs.Sunset() + " " + sAzms + "°")
        hs.SetDeviceStringByName("Night", buff, True)
      End Sub
      Sub Main(parms As Object)
      ' Determines the current azimuth and altitude angle of the sun
        Dim dt As DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow()
        Dim sAzm As String = "", sAlt As String = "", sBearing As String
        SolarPosition(dt, sAzm, sAlt)
        Dim buff As String = Format(Now(), "ddd h:mmtt")
        sBearing = BearConvert(sAzm)
        If CInt(sAlt) < 0 Then
          hs.SetDeviceStringByName("WxSolar", buff + " Nighttime", True)
          hs.SetDeviceStringByName("WxSolar", buff + " Azmth: " + _
            sAzm + "° (" + sBearing + "), Alt: " + sAlt + "°", True)
        End If
      End Sub
      Since my house does not move, I supply the Lat and Long in the dLatatitiude and dLongitude variables. I also converted this into Javascript for running on my phone, but I supply the Lat and Long as an input parameter there since the phone does move.

      To use, simply create an event action of "Run script", supplying the function name you want to run (Main or SunRiseSet)

