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[exe] Set Process Priorities via Homeseer

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    [exe] Set Process Priorities via Homeseer

    ProcessPriority is a VB application that allows process priorities to be changed via scripts or events on W2K. It can be run out of the homeseer
    startup script to change homeseer's priority to a higher level than normal. It can be run from within a script to cause applications/processes to be set at higher or lower priorities. Process priorities can be changed as often as desired.

    Sample Event setup:
    App/Sound/Email tab
    Application Path: C:\Program Files\Homeseer\ProcessPriority.exe
    Parameters: Homeseer|High

    Sample Script use #1: use of Window title to identify process

    sub main()
    hs.launch "C:\Program Files\Homeseer\ProcessPriority.exe","hsphone|above_normal"
    end sub

    Sample Script use # 2: use of Process ID to identify the process & use of status feedback

    sub main()
    Set oExec = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Exec("SampleData.vbs")
    ProcessId = cstr(oExec.ProcessId)
    StatusDevice = hs.GetDeviceCode("Computer Process Status")
    PriorityLevel = "low"
    ProcessParameter = StatusDevice & "|" & PriorityLevel & "|" & StatusDevice
    hs.launch "C:\Program Files\Homeseer\ProcessPriority.exe", ProcessParameter
    hs.waitsecs 1
    if hs.IsOffByName("Computer Process Status") Then
    hs.writelog "Error","Process Priority for SampleData.vbs could not be lowered"
    end if
    end sub

    V1.1 Improved the information feedback

    1) If executed without parameters then an HTML page will be displayed showing
    All the windows, their handle, owner's process id, and process priority
    It is sorted three times, once by window title, once by process id, and
    once by process priority / window title

    This is useful to get a view of what is running on your PC as well as
    find the title of the window so that that title can be used in the script
    to change the priority

    2) Added the following information in the homeseer device, if included in the
    invocation call
    a) Status contains "on" if successful in changing the priority
    b) String contains error message or the new priority if no errors
    c) Value contains the process id for the window. This could then be used
    by other scripts that need to identify a process by it's ID

    V1.3 Added application class to HTML display

    [This message was edited by Michael McSharry on Saturday, 04 May 2002 at 05:47 PM.]

    [This message was edited by Michael McSharry on Tuesday, 23 July 2002 at 03:43 AM.]
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