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Shutdown program script

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    Shutdown program script

    I need a script that will shut down a program runing in the system tray. I want to be able to turn my web cam on and off. I know how to start a program but dont know how to end it.


    Eric Trudeau
    | E-mail | HomeSeer Status |

    When I was using IVista, I used send keys to close the app. However, you needed to have it not minimized. I just left it to run in its window. (after all if I am not around, I dont care what is on the desktop)

    sub main
    hs.keys "%{F4}", "IVista",1
    end sub

    You can use the same principle to start and stop the streaming.

    Skibumsplace - Locate Me


      See this thread for more possibilities.

      Nucleus Home Automation
      News, support, and updates for Rover, Network Monitor, TimeIcons, and more


        I am running this on my 2k server. The desktop is ALWAYS locked. Because this is my domain controller, file server, email server, web server, automation server, and who knows what else, I do not leave it unlocked for security reasons. Thanks for the input though.

        Eric Trudeau
        | E-mail | HomeSeer Status |


          I use this to start-up shutdown and change IVistas input source. At sunset each night I run the command line from HS to switch from my outside cameras to my inside pan and tilt camera. Has worked flawlessly for almost two weeks(since I found it)

          See this thread:

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            SendKeys is always a last-ditch approach. What you really need is something in the software itself that you're trying to control. If the software doesn't have any mechanism for being controlled except for keys and mouse clicks, then you're either out of luck, or stuck with stuff like SendKeys and mouse macros.

            Nucleus Home Automation
            News, support, and updates for Rover, Network Monitor, TimeIcons, and more


              Thanks but it still wont work. Like I said I lock my computer. There would be no way I could get it to do it without typing in my password... and that wont happen. I found a shutdown command for the camera in its web admin stuff. All it does is when a link is accessed it will turn it off. I will try this and see what I can do with it. Thanks for all the info everyone.

              Eric Trudeau
              | E-mail | HomeSeer Status |


                This command should run even if your not logged in (I think). I have HS execute it and it still execues all exe's while the computer is locked. Which camera software are you running?

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                  kill.exe (windows 98 or windows NT resource kit) (Win98 CD)\drivers\ups\mge\psp_kill.exe

                  PV.EXE command line utility comes in the PRCVIEW Windows GUI process viewer full package

                  Frink's "Close" utility



                    I am running the Camarades web server. I would like to get a program (hopefully free) that would let me do all of the hosting, but I do not know what to get. Any ideas?

                    Eric Trudeau
                    | E-mail | HomeSeer Status |


                      IVista can be had for 19.99 - 10.00 rebate = 9.99 at office max.

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