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A new "Status Page" idea

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    A new "Status Page" idea

    I have been using HomeSeer for about 5 years or so. One of the things that I have struggled with is to understand the relationships between the status of devices over time. I invision the idea of having a page which is in graphical form (such as a Ganet/Pert chart) which would show the devices I am interested in along the side and time across the bottom. A device such as a light would show a starting point and an end point. Sunset and Sunrise could be also shown as a device. Motion could also play a part or temperature or the status of the furnace.

    With information displayed in this fashion over a period of days I could better understand which lights I should consider automating or which ones I can turn-off. I can relate the operation of the furance to the temperature outside, etc.

    I was looking for a Ganet type chart that could be used to put this together. Any ideas?

    Do you have a picture that would show an example?
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      This Gantt/Pert chart sample
      Attached Files

