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Alert on low batteries?

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    Alert on low batteries?

    I'd like to create an event that is triggered by low battery warnings for my various devices - at a minimum for my 4 Kwikset locks, but ideally for any device with a battery status.

    The thing is, right now I have 4 locks plus one sensor that are battery powered, eventually I may have *many* that are. So I don't really want to have to create a separate event for each and every device if I can help it.

    Anyone found a way to consolidate battery alerts a bit to alert you on low batteries?



    For mine I have a single event which has each battery operated device separated with an or statement based on battery being between 0-40%.

    If any one of them goes below 40% it triggers an email to me with the below content showing the battery level for each device.

    HEM Bat $$DSR:732:
    Garage Sensor $$DSR:210:
    Front Entrance $$DSR:754:
    Upstairs $$DSR:760:
    Bedroom Wardrobe $$DSR:165:
    Stairs $$DSR:194:
    Computer Room $$DSR:172:
    Kitchen $$DSR:531:
    Lounge $$DSR:161:
    Dining Room $$DSR:201:
    Formal Lounge $$DSR:221:
    Family Room $$DSR:226:
    Garage $$DSR:234:
    Study $$DSR:232:
    Server Cupboard $$DSR:230:
    Lounge $$DSR:115:
    Bedroom $$DSR:127:

    Next I get it to run a script to play a tts reminder via my wall mounted tablets. I don't profess to be a coder so am sure there are more efficient/tidy ways of achieving the same, but it works for me.

    sub main()
    if hs.devicevalue("188") < 40 or hs.devicevalue("165") < 40 or hs.devicevalue("194") < 40 or hs.devicevalue("172") < 40 or hs.devicevalue("210") < 40 or hs.devicevalue("215") < 40 or hs.devicevalue("201") < 40 or hs.devicevalue("234") < 40 or hs.devicevalue("161") < 40 or hs.devicevalue("221") < 40 Then
    hs.speak greeting() & "The battery level on the following sensors are getting low. " & lowbatt(),TRUE,"*:Kindle HD"
    end if
    end sub
    Function lowbatt()
    lowbatt =""
    if hs.devicevalue("188") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Outside Front Door. "
    end if
    if hs.devicevalue("165") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Kitchen. "
    end if
    if hs.devicevalue("194") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Stairs. "
    end if
    if hs.devicevalue("172") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Study. "
    end if
    if hs.devicevalue("210") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Garage Sensor. "
    end if
    if hs.devicevalue("215") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Upstairs. "
    end if
    if hs.devicevalue("201") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Dining Room. "
    end if
    if hs.devicevalue("234") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Garage Door. "
    end if
    if hs.devicevalue("161") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Family Room Sensor. "
    end if
    if hs.devicevalue("221") < 40 Then
    lowbatt=lowbatt&"Formal Lounge Sensor. "
    end if
    End Function

    Function greeting()
    dim phrase(6), choice, choices
    choices = Ubound(phrase) - 1
    phrase(1) = "Hello Owen Family. "
    phrase(2) = "Hello! "
    phrase(3) = "Yo Yo Yo. Whats Up. "
    phrase(4) = "Missus Owen. "
    phrase(5) = "Stop ignoring me. I am trying to tell you something important. "
    choice = Int((choices * Rnd)) + 1
    greeting = phrase(choice)
    End Function


      Hmmm..... Something like that (minus the tts) might work for me, it still means putting each device in individually, but it's better than doing a separate event for each one. Unless anyone does have something more efficient?




        Originally posted by paul View Post
        Hmmm..... Something like that (minus the tts) might work for me, it still means putting each device in individually, but it's better than doing a separate event for each one. Unless anyone does have something more efficient?


        I have something similar for the first part.

        A single event that has all the battery devices testing for <30% with OR statements, then a single Pushover action with the current battery levels for all devices using the " $$DVC:<device code>: " version of replacement variables.

