A Phrase Was Recognized

All of these triggers are based upon a voice command being received from a telephone or microphone. All of these represent a “moment in time” and will not create an event that continually triggers.

A Received eMail is From or Contains..

Like the above, this trigger is based upon the receipt of an eMail, represents a “moment in time” and will not create an event that continually triggers. It will trigger on every eMail that matches the parameters, but only once for each eMail.

This event is MANUALLY triggered

This event deserves some detailed explanation. A Manually triggered event is generally called from an action in another event. A manually triggered event can still have Conditions but they are ALWAYS ignored when called from another event, unless you use some advanced tools within the event that calls it. We’ll cover that advanced option under Actions, later in this thread, but there is a checkbox to: “Run Only If Other Event Conditions are TRUE” when running another event as an action. This checkbox is NOT selected by default, you must specifically tell HomeSeer to respect conditions in any event run as an action from another event. As we stated in the Navigating the Web Control – Events page post, you can also run this event by clicking on the blue “Run the event” button, but in that case the conditions will always be ignored.

Some plug-ins will provide you with additional triggers (and conditions). Below is a screenshot of some additional triggers provided by 7 additional plug-ins

We don’t need to cover every trigger of every plug-in, the above overview should give you a reasonable understanding of how triggers are used and should illustrate the way a trigger should be evaluated to make sure that it is the best to use for a specific event. If you build an event that continually triggers, due to the use of a trigger that isn’t restricted to a “moment in time”, you may flood the log with entries, cause one of your Primary Technology interfaces to become unresponsive or generally waste the resources of your HomeSeer server.