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Troller 3 vs. Pro 100

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    Troller 3 vs. Pro 100

    So, looking at the HomeTroller Pro series 3 vs. the PRO 100 (comparison chart),

    The only real differences I see between them are:

    - Hardware Sentry vs. Software Sentry
    - Slight processor difference
    - 4GB more storage
    - minor differences in ports

    Just wondering if it's enough to consider a pro100 over the troller 3?

    Just to clarify - Is it worth considering the $1500 more for the PRO 100, that's a pretty hefty price tag difference...


      The Pro-100's are sold in pairs to HS Installers typically. Most DIYers go for the HomeTrollers.
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        Ok, but I wouldn't consider the fact that it's sold to installers a real reason to pay that sort of premium. If I was asking an installer to implement, I'd be wanted to pay for his expertise, not to pay for premium hardware if there's no extra value for the premium...(?)

        I have to believe there's more to it than that....

