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Status Graphics/Labels

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    Status Graphics/Labels

    Hi All,

    Over a number of versions there has been quite a few issues with status graphics and labels diisapearing or having the wrong value Ths should be fully resolved as of v4.1.0.1

    rnbWeather updates your features for you automatically by adding text before or after the vale. You can set this text by feature and forecast type in the rnbWeather > Locations/Devices page. The purpose is to allow you to add a prefix or suffiix across a nuumber of devices easily. You can also set the nuumber of decimals to display in HomeSeer as well.
    To achieve this rnbWeather rebuilds your status graphics and labels.each time you save changes on the locations/devices page or the selected location.
    Using the HS4 Software interface, rnbWeather sends the commands to do this to HS4. There is no save changes option command in HS4 (there was previously in HS3) as HS4 is supposed to auto process and save changes as it goes. After spending a lot of time on thiis (too much time), I have come to the same realisatiion as some of the other developers - HS4 does not seem to process mutiple steps as it is supposed to.

    To get around this some developers re-read the feature after each and every change which adds an unnecessary addtiional call to HS4.After testing this over a number of days, this extra read step, although should not be required, allows each command to be completed consistently and can be repeated.
    rnbWeather has now taken this approach to bring stability to its Status Graphics and Labels

    Fixing current Status Graphics:
    If any of your status graphics or labels are wrong, simply delete or add a status graphic to that feature, go to rnbWeather > Locations/Devices page and click save on your location. When save is clicked, each feature selected (checked) will be checked and if the feature has more or less status graphics than what rnbWeather requires, rnbWeather will rebuild your status graphics and labels for that feature

    #2 installed and working. Thanks for the fix!


      Same here. did indeed fix the status graphic issues for me. Woohoo! Thanks Russ. 🙂

