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Time Settings in HS4 are Incorrect

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    Time Settings in HS4 are Incorrect

    HS4 Version -- The time that HomeSeer is using is displaying is UTC. I have the system setup correctly for Houston, Texas and UTC is +5 Hours Ahead of Central Daylight Time. I have looked for a setting that will display the local time and have not been able to find it. I would appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction to correct this.

    Make sure your locales are set correctly for your region and the correct time zone is set which is all done from the cli with the command sudo raspi-conf

    Should your time zone be set incorrectly for your region you will find that functions like email notification via gmail etc will fail to work as your system will not be correctly synced with the email servers.

    You can of course check all your settings in HS in the Setup section. It will tell you what time zone it is using there.


      I am researching how to set the correct time in the operating system. I am new to dealing with Raspberry Pi.


        Once your time zone and locales are set correctly on the Raspberry Pi, once you reboot the ntp server will look after everything else. Instead of giving you a long explanation here have a read of this. As you know the RPI does not come standard with a real time clock and relies on its time from an ntp


          I was not aware that RPI doe not come standard with a RTC. I am reading up on how to connect to RPI and make the modifications.


            The timezone selector in HS3 has the potential to corrupt the Linux timezone database. To check if this has occurred, run this at the Linux command line:
            dpkg -V tzdata
            If there is no output, it is good. If there is any output such as this:
            ??5??????   /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles
            likely indicates that the timezone was changed in the HS3 selector, which clobbers the timezone file that was previously set using raspi-config.

            If corruption is identified, repair with
            sudo apt install --reinstall tzdata
            To prevent future corruption, only set the timezone via raspi-config, avoid the timezone chooser in HS3 setup.

            Alternately, run this command
            localtime=$(readlink /etc/localtime) && sudo install -p -m 644 $localtime /etc/localtime
            then avoid setting timezone in raspi-config. (This command replaces the /etc/locatime symbolic link, if it exists, with a copy of what it points to).

            (I discovered this bug when accidentally clicked in the timezone chooser rather than in the adjacent 'Location' chooser.
            raspi-config sets the timezone by creating a symbolic link '/etc/localtime' to files in /usr/share/zoneinfo. When HS3 updates /etc/localtime, it copys the selected file from /usr/share/zoneinfo to /etc/localtime. However If /etc/localtime is a link, the copy operation overwrites the link destination in /usr/share/zoneinfo.
            The "fix" command above is included in the installer package, as well as fixes for a few other Linux oversights).


              Originally posted by Robert Willis
              I agree, but I also expect the HS4 application to directly interact with the Linux OS to take care of these issues without the need to directly access the OS. HS3 did not haver these issues as least in the system that I had running since 2017.

              Thank you for your valuable insight and I am now researching how to directly access the Linux OS to fix this issue.
              There’s not really much to it. Here’s the basics of what you need to know. Stack Exchange can answer most of the queries you may have on Linux


                HS4 Version resolves the time setting issue. I installed and then rebooted the HomeTroller Zee S2. Thanks to the development team for posting a quick solution.


                  This may help others.

