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Install questions

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    Install questions

    Michael, Just getting mscSprinklers going
    With HS2.0 build 1927 (latest).
    Not sure if this should be posted in HS2 beta testing thread or here - let me know what's easiest for you to track and respond.

    I am using two Rain8Net boxes.
    I have configured them as 1 and 2 using the WGL software with no internal timers turned on.
    Your plugin finds them fine.
    Found plugin: mcsSprinklers version:

    I updated the wiring tab but didn't realize this was with respect to wiring harness as opposed to rain8net connections. I was able to save my original entries.
    After I realized my mistake, I tried to redo the wiring with a harness viewpoint. I can see my rain8net ports listed, and can select one, but when I save the scene, the changes I made disapeer.
    Not sure if this log message is related:
    mcsSprinklersAcceptWiringChanges Valve does not exist in Device Dictionary
    or this:
    mcsSprinklersStatus ClientRequest Line 960 Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

    I am also not seeing any On / Off buttons in the General Scene Manual column. The column is black all the way down with no Icons at all.

    I am getting this error message repeatedly in the HS2.0 build 1927 (latest) log:
    mcsSprinklersUpdateSprinklerTableLastRecord UPDATE tblSprinklers SET , a409Moisture_____I=97,a409MinutesCum___I=0 WHERE ID=14 Line 390 Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

    Also getting this in the log now and then:
    mcsSprinklersxAPIni Line 250 The parameter is incorrect

    How do I start from scratch? Delete the .ini file and then reinstall the plugin via the Updater?
    I see you updated the plugin in the Updates thread. Will try that when i get home tonight.

    Lots o work in this plugin.

    This is the right place to discuss mcsSprinklers now that I have posted the version that is compatible with both HS1 and HS2.

    It will work with the wiring from a Rain8 orientation rather than a harness one. The wiring orientation was used so there would be a permanent/single location record of total system connectivity from the valve head to the Homeseer devices.

    The programming of the units can be done from the bottom of the Device/Rain8 page rather than the WGL tools. Same rationale of a single place to hold everything needed to manage the system.

    The clientrequest error is a HS2 thing I missed.

    The other errors are a result of zone with a blank device code. I do not know how this can occur, but I would like to get your \Config\mcsSprinklers.ini file so I can see what may of happened.

    The lack of ON/OFF buttons is likely that the manual duration setup for a zone on the Zone Setup Page is zero and with zero duration I removed the buttons. There are other filters that are used, but this is the most likely.

    It is over 30,000 non-blank/non-comment source lines in the .ocx

    If you want to start over then
    1) remove/rename \Config\mcsSprinklers.ini
    2) remove/rename \Data\mcsSprinklers\mcsSprinklers.mdb
    3) delete the 16 devices associated with the Rain8 and the 68 Sprinkler status. There may also be device 99 created on each of these house codes as hidden devices and these should be removed too. This step should not be needed, but for a true fresh start they should not exist.
    4) download the updates from this subforum and apply them by unzipping while maintaining the folder structure. It does not hurt to register the .ocx and is a good idea.

    I'll post an update to fix the clientrequest error

