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Howto get HSdevice value to mscMQTT

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    The replace function does not work as expected, I had the comma replaced by period in this way:
    The callback message was first:
    Message arrived [Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten] 16,2012
    and after the replace:
    Message arrived [Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten]    1012(16,2
    This is a mix of the temperature and another callback from the barometric pressure.

    Any idea?


      Why do you use \. rather than just . ? I suggest removing the \ as you do not want it as part of the replacement text.


        I did test without the backslash but the I get a callback of a different sensor. I will explain hereafter.

        Here are a few callbacks of the 5 sensors I use for this paticular case with a ESP8266. The callbacks with the topic "Sensor/Buiten/*" stem from ESP8266 nodes that communicate via the mcsMMQT plugin, these are just fine. The topics with "Buiten/afdak/" stem from the event actions.

        Message arrived [Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten] 14,8016
        Message arrived [Buiten/afdak/RelatieveVochtigheid] 69,8016
        Message arrived [Sensor/Buiten/buitentemp] 13.76
        Message arrived [Sensor/Buiten/licht] 707
        Message arrived [Sensor/Buiten/baro] 1016
        You can see the comma in 14,8016 that I want to change in a period. The comma in 69,8016 doesnt matter because I only use the integer part.
        Now, if I change the event action to:
        then the callback messages on the ESP8266 become:
        Message arrived [Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten] 1016
        Message arrived [Buiten/afdak/RelatieveVochtigheid] 69 1016
        Message arrived [Sensor/Buiten/buitentemp] 13.76
        Message arrived [Sensor/Buiten/licht] 932
        Message arrived [Sensor/Buiten/baro] 1016
        So you can see that Temp_buiten get the value of Sensor/Buiten/baro, And the relative humudity gets two values now, the first is the correct one, the second is the barometric pressure too. Weird isnt it?


          Sorry Michael, I made a mistake here with printing the payload 🤔
          The payload was written to an array and I when printed there were still previous values stored.

          If I now print the payload correct then the callback of "Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten" yields zero characters:
          Message arrived [Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten]
          Message arrived [Buiten/afdak/RelatieveVochtigheid] 62
          The second callback has no replace so these are passed through.


            The debug file contains a line starting with "ApplyExpression" followed by the input=output strings. This allows you to assess the actual input string and output string of the Replace function. After this one there is also "Handle Action Topic=Payload" topic=payload which occurs just after the message is published. The debug is enabled from the top of the General tab and the .txt file is in folder \data\mcsMQTT.

            To confirm the function works with periods and decimals I did the following test with the debugger which showed the code, executing in my environment, does the replacement either way of these characters. I had previously tested end to end with zero and one values as part of event action and saw the published message with the correct replacements. The double quotes below are needed in the debugger, but are not needed from the text box in mcsMQTT action.

            "1.2" {String}
            String: "1.2"
            "1,2" {String}
            String: "1,2"
            If this does not help then I can add more detailed debug to see where in the process the failure is occurring.


              If I look in the logfile then, after I run the event, I can see:

              10-6-2020 10:26:23 144188350 | Handle Action Entry
              10-6-2020 10:26:23 144188391 | Handle Action Topic Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten
              10-6-2020 10:26:23 144188392 | Handle Action Topic=Payload Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten=
              So no ApplyExpression text.

              If I remove the Replace function then I see:
              10-6-2020 10:30:42 144447461 | Handle Action Entry
              10-6-2020 10:30:42 144447484 | Handle Action Topic Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten
              10-6-2020 10:30:42 144447485 | Handle Action Topic=Payload Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten=15,1
              I also see a lot of lines from devices that are non-plugin-devices. Is it normal that I can see all these devices? One is from a timer (device 258), this generates a lot of output:
              10-6-2020 10:19:45 143789689 | HSEvent VALUE_CHANGE| 1024| | 133332| 133331| 258
              10-6-2020 10:19:46 143790894 | HSEvent VALUE_CHANGE| 1024| | 133333| 133332| 258
              10-6-2020 10:19:47 143791698 | HSEvent VALUE_CHANGE| 1024| | 133334| 133333| 258
              10-6-2020 10:19:48 143792902 | HSEvent VALUE_CHANGE| 1024| | 133335| 133334| 258
              10-6-2020 10:19:49 143793710 | HSEvent VALUE_CHANGE| 1024| | 133336| 133335| 258
              10-6-2020 10:19:50 143794912 | HSEvent VALUE_CHANGE| 1024| | 133337| 133336| 258
              10-6-2020 10:19:51 143795716 | HSEvent VALUE_CHANGE| 1024| | 133338| 133337| 258
              10-6-2020 10:19:52 143796929 | HSEvent VALUE_CHANGE| 1024| | 133339| 133338| 258


                I added much detail in the HandleAction processing of the event action. It is attached.

                Yes, the debug contains every change of a value of HS devices. This means it should also see a change in the value of device 859 and send the publish topic assigned to this device.

                The HandleAction procedure with additional debug is below for your reference.

                Public Function HandleActionX(ByVal TANumber As Integer, ByVal sMessage As String) As Boolean 'ActInfo As IPlugInAPI.strTrigActInfo) As Boolean Implements HomeSeerAPI.IPlugInAPI.HandleAction
                If gDebugLog Then
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_DEBUG, "Handle Action Entry " & sMessage)
                End If
                Dim s As String = sMessage
                If TANumber = 1 Then 'ActInfo.TANumber = 1 Then 'topic=payload
                '$$date Replacement is the current date in long format, e.g.: April 1, 2006
                '$$time Replacement is the current time in 12 hour format, e.g. 2:00 PM
                '$$DVA:(address): Replacement is the VALUE of the device indicated by (address). For example, if the device at address R40 has a value of 100,then using $$DV:R40: in the text will result in 100 after the substitution.
                '$$DVC:(code): Same as $$DVA but gets the device value using the device code.
                '$$DVR:(ref): Same as $$DVA but gets the device value using the device reference number.
                ' $$DSA:(address): Replacement is the STATUS of the device indicated by (address). For example, if the device at address S39 has a status of "Disarmed", then using $$DSA:S39: in the text will result in "Disarmed" after the substitution.
                ' $$DSC:(code): Same as $$DSA but gets the status using a device code.
                ' $$DSR:(ref): Same as $$DSA but gets the status using a device reference number.
                '$$DTA:(address): Replacement is the STRING of the device indicated by (address). For example, if the device at address S39 has a string of "Come listen to a story about a man named <b>Jed</b>", then using $$DTA:S39: in the text will result in "Come listen to a story about a man named Jed" after the substitution.
                '$$DTC:(code): Same as $$DTA but gets the string using a device code.
                '$$DTR:(ref): Same as $$DTA but gets the string using a device reference number.
                Dim m As Integer
                Dim k As Integer
                Dim sIndex As String
                Dim i As Integer = InStr(s, "=")
                Dim iRef As Integer
                Dim iStart As Integer = 1
                Dim bSubstitutions As Boolean = True
                If i > 0 Then
                Dim sPayload As String = s.Substring(i)
                Do While bSubstitutions
                k = InStr(iStart, sPayload, "$$")
                If k = 0 Then
                bSubstitutions = False
                Exit Do
                End If
                iStart = k + 2
                m = InStr(k + 7, sPayload, "):") + 1
                If m > 1 Then
                sIndex = sPayload.Substring(k + 6, m - k - 8)
                sIndex = ""
                End If
                Dim sKey As String
                Dim iKeyLength As Integer = 5
                If sPayload.Length > k + 5 Then
                iKeyLength = 5
                iKeyLength = sPayload.Length - (k + 1)
                End If
                If iKeyLength > 3 Then 'sPayload.Length > k + 5 Then
                sKey = sPayload.Substring(k + 1, iKeyLength).ToUpper()
                'ElseIf sPayload.Length > k + 4 Then
                'sKey = sPayload.Substring(k + 1, 4).ToUpper()
                Exit Do
                End If
                If sKey = "DATE:" Then
                sPayload = sPayload.Substring(0, k - 1) & Now.ToShortDateString() & sPayload.Substring(k + 6)
                ElseIf sKey = "TIME:" Then
                sPayload = sPayload.Substring(0, k - 1) & Now.ToShortTimeString() & sPayload.Substring(k + 6)
                sKey = sKey.Substring(0, 4)
                Select Case sKey
                Case "DATE"
                sPayload = sPayload.Substring(0, k - 1) & Now.ToString("D") & sPayload.Substring(k + 5)
                Case "TIME"
                sPayload = sPayload.Substring(0, k - 1) & Now.ToString("T") & sPayload.Substring(k + 5)
                Case "DVC:", "DSC:", "DTC:"
                If m = 1 Then Exit Do
                iRef = hs.DeviceExistsCode(sIndex)
                Case "DTA:", "DSA:", "DVA:"
                If m = 1 Then Exit Do
                iRef = hs.DeviceExistsAddress(sIndex, False)
                Case "DTR:", "DSR:", "DVR:"
                If m = 1 Then Exit Do
                iRef = Val(sIndex)
                Case Else
                Exit Do
                End Select
                End If
                Dim sProperty As String = sKey.Substring(1, 1)
                If Not (sProperty = "A" OrElse sProperty = "I") Then
                If hs.DeviceExistsRef(iRef) Then
                If sProperty = "V" Then
                Dim dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = hs.GetDeviceByRef(iRef)
                If dv IsNot Nothing Then
                sIndex = dv.devValue(hs).ToString
                sIndex = ""
                End If
                ElseIf sProperty = "S" Then
                Dim dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = hs.GetDeviceByRef(iRef)
                If dv IsNot Nothing Then
                sIndex = hs.DeviceVSP_GetStatus(iRef, dv.devValue(hs), ePairStatusControl.Status)
                sIndex = ""
                End If
                ElseIf sProperty = "T" Then
                sIndex = Replace(hs.DeviceString(iRef), q, "'") '8/5/2019 removed quotes from JSON payloads
                sIndex = "?"
                End If
                sIndex = "?"
                End If
                sPayload = sPayload.Substring(0, k - 1) & sIndex & sPayload.Substring(m)
                End If
                Dim sTopic As String = s.Substring(0, i - 1)
                If gDebugLog Then
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_DEBUG, "Handle Action Topic|Payload " & sTopic & " | " & sPayload)
                End If
                'apply numeric expression '5/1/2020
                Dim sPayloadLeft As String = ""
                Dim sPayloadRight As String = sPayload
                i = 1
                i = InStr(sPayloadRight, "<<")
                If i = 0 Then
                Exit Do
                End If
                Dim j As Integer = InStr(i + 2, sPayloadRight, ">>")
                If j = 0 Then
                Exit Do
                End If
                If gDebugLog Then
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_DEBUG, "Handle Action Inline i,j " & i.ToString & " | " & j.ToString)
                End If
                Dim sExpression As String = sPayload.Substring(i + 1, j - i - 2)
                Dim n As Integer = InStr(i, sExpression, "<<")
                If n > 0 Then
                'inner expression
                sExpression = sExpression.Substring(n + 1)
                i = n
                End If
                If gDebugLog Then
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_DEBUG, "Handle Action Expression | n" & sExpression & " | " & n.ToString)
                End If
                Dim oValue As Object = ApplyExpression(sExpression)
                If gDebugLog Then
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_DEBUG, "Handle Action oValue | n" & oValue.ToString)
                End If
                sPayloadLeft = sPayloadLeft & sPayloadRight.Substring(0, i - 1) & oValue.ToString
                sPayloadRight = sPayloadRight.Substring(j + 1)
                sPayload = sPayloadLeft & sPayloadRight
                If gDebugLog Then
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_DEBUG, "Handle Action Payload " & sPayload)
                End If
                'if a sign topic then remove the HTML
                If sTopic <> "" Then
                Dim arrSignTopic As String() = FindSignTopic()
                If arrSignTopic IsNot Nothing Then
                For Each sSignTopic As String In arrSignTopic
                If gDebugLog Then
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_DEBUG, "Handle Action Sign " & sTopic.Length.ToString & "=" & sTopic.Substring(0, sSignTopic.Length) & "=" & sSignTopic)
                End If
                If sTopic.Length > sSignTopic.Length AndAlso sTopic.Substring(0, sSignTopic.Length) = sSignTopic Then
                sPayload = StripHTML(sPayload)
                Exit For
                End If
                End If
                If sTopic <> "" AndAlso Not MQTTSendTopicList.Contains(sTopic) Then
                End If
                For iBroker As Integer = 0 To oMQTTClient.Length - 1
                If oMQTTClient(iBroker) IsNot Nothing Then
                oMQTTClient(iBroker).Publish(sTopic, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sPayload), gDefaultQOS, gDefaultRetain)
                'hsWritelog(PLUGIN_NAME, "Event Action Publishing " & sTopic & " with Payload of " & sPayload)
                End If
                End If
                If gDebugLog Then
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_DEBUG, "Handle Action Topic=Payload " & sTopic & "=" & sPayload)
                End If
                gPublishCount = gPublishCount + 1
                gPublishCountToday = gPublishCountToday + 1
                gLastPublishTopic = sTopic
                gLastPublishPayload = sPayload
                Dim strRefresh As New RefreshPair
                With strRefresh
                .Key = iRef.ToString
                .LastDate = Now.ToString(DATETIMEFORMAT)
                .Payload = sPayload
                End With
                Return True
                End If
                Else 'publist
                Dim sFile As String = gDataPath & s & ".pub"
                If File.Exists(sFile) Then
                Dim sIn As String
                Dim iRow As Integer = -4
                Dim i As Integer
                Dim arrPublistSubstitution(3) As String
                Dim arrPublist() As String = Nothing
                For i = 0 To 3
                arrPublistSubstitution(i) = ""
                Using r As StreamReader = New StreamReader(sFile, Encoding.UTF8)
                sIn = r.ReadLine
                Do While (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(sIn))
                If iRow < 0 Then
                i = InStr(sIn, "=")
                If i = 0 Then
                i = 1
                End If
                arrPublistSubstitution(iRow + 4) = sIn.Substring(i)
                ReDim Preserve arrPublist(iRow)
                arrPublist(iRow) = sIn
                End If
                iRow = iRow + 1
                sIn = r.ReadLine
                End Using
                Dim sMessage2 As String = PublishPublist(arrPublistSubstitution, arrPublist)
                If sMessage2 = "" Then
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_NAME, "Event Action Publishing Publist " & sFile)
                Return True
                hsWritelog(PLUGIN_NAME, "HandleAction " & sMessage2)
                Return False
                End If
                Catch ex As Exception
                hsWritelogEx(PLUGIN_DEBUG, "BuildPublishRows " & sFile, ex.Message)
                Return ex.Message & " while using " & sFile
                End Try
                End If
                End If
                'End If
                Return False
                Catch ex As Exception
                hsWritelogEx(PLUGIN_NAME, "HandleActionX", ex.Message)
                Return False
                End Try
                End Function
                Attached Files


                  When I use the latest dll then I get this ouput in the log if I activate the event with the replace:

                  11-6-2020 11:47:43 50065 | Handle Action Entry Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten=<<Replace($$DVR:(859):,",",".")>>
                  11-6-2020 11:47:43 50088 | Handle Action Topic|Payload Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten | <<Replace(18,1,",",".")>>
                  11-6-2020 11:47:43 50088 | Handle Action Inline i,j 1 | 24
                  11-6-2020 11:47:43 50089 | Handle Action Expression | nReplace(18,1,",",".") | 0
                  11-6-2020 11:47:43 50139 | Handle Action oValue | n
                  11-6-2020 11:47:43 50139 | Handle Action Payload
                  11-6-2020 11:47:43 50140 | Handle Action Topic=Payload Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten=
                  Furthermore, if I look in the serial monitor of the Arduino where the ESP8266 is connected to I get an exeption error:

                  Message arrived [Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten]
                  Exception (29):
                  epc1=0x402014e9 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000
                  ctx: cont
                  sp: 3ffffd80 end: 3fffffc0 offset: 0190
                  3fffff10: 00000018 3ffef457 3ffee4c8 4020147c
                  3fffff20: 3ffef470 00000000 3ffee52c 40205e5a
                  3fffff30: 3fffff60 00000001 00000002 0000001c
                  3fffff40: 0001b7a5 00000018 3ffee52c 40207d14
                  3fffff50: 0001b7a5 00000000 3ffee52c 402034c8
                  3fffff60: 007a1201 2e7ec084 3ffee500 40201235
                  3fffff70: 00000000 00000000 80fee4e8 3ffef800
                  3fffff80: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffee52c 3ffee780
                  3fffff90: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffee52c 40201264
                  3fffffa0: feefeffe feefeffe 3ffee740 40205f3c
                  3fffffb0: feefeffe feefeffe 3ffe84fc 40100c11
                  @⸮ *⸮⸮⸮*⸮D⸮⸮E⸮"⸮Fʁ⸮⸮⸮P⸮J⸮⸮)6ETl⸮
                  Connecting to sensor-net-IoT
                  . WiFi connected; IP address:
                  Hostname: ESP_Oled_1
                  Attempting MQTT connection....connected
                  I made a work around in the Arduino software to replace the comma in a period.

                  But I can understand that you want to know why the replace is not working so I am present to help.


                    The critical piece of information is Replace(18,1,",","."). The comma in the number is treated as a parameter delimiter. Change your expression to include quotes around the number.

                    This will mean the debug output will then be Replace("18,1",",",".") and will evaluate properly.

                    Any info as to getting device 859 in HSEvent entry in the debug log?


                      If I change the replace as you mention, than the two double quotes disappear as I submit the string. Is there perhaps a HS4 problem?

                      I do not see more info on the event entry as I showed above.


                        I used HS4 to evaluate and had no issue on the save. The action is shown below. When it gets saved it just shows as "<>", but that is just a HS display problem with HTML open/close brackets.

                        You had shown device 258 above. That was the only one that was generating the HSEvent?

                        Click image for larger version  Name:	Capture.PNG Views:	0 Size:	18.6 KB ID:	1392815


                          After editing I see this:

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	2020-06-11_184302.png
Views:	152
Size:	9.1 KB
ID:	1392818

                          that looks good but after I push the Submit button the quotes are gone.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	2020-06-11_184319.png
Views:	159
Size:	11.8 KB
ID:	1392819
                          and after saving I see <> indeed.

                          You had shown device 258 above. That was the only one that was generating the HSEvent?
                          If I activate this event I see in the mcsMQTT log:

                          11-6-2020 18:48:18 24071144 | Handle Action Entry Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten=<<Replace($$DVR:(859):,",",".")>>
                          11-6-2020 18:48:18 24071167 | Handle Action Topic|Payload Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten | <<Replace(20,7,",",".")>>
                          11-6-2020 18:48:18 24071168 | Handle Action Inline i,j 1 | 24
                          11-6-2020 18:48:18 24071168 | Handle Action Expression | nReplace(20,7,",",".") | 0
                          11-6-2020 18:48:18 24071168 | Handle Action oValue | n
                          11-6-2020 18:48:18 24071169 | Handle Action Payload
                          11-6-2020 18:48:18 24071169 | Handle Action Topic=Payload Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten=


                            I found the solution! I deleted the action and then I made a new mqTT message. Now the submitting is ok! In the log:
                            11-6-2020 18:59:20 24733773 | Handle Action Entry Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten=<<Replace("$$DVR:(859):",",",".")>>
                            11-6-2020 18:59:20 24733819 | Handle Action Topic|Payload Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten | <<Replace("20,7",",",".")>>
                            11-6-2020 18:59:20 24733819 | Handle Action Inline i,j 1 | 26
                            11-6-2020 18:59:20 24733820 | Handle Action Expression | nReplace("20,7",",",".") | 0
                            11-6-2020 18:59:20 24733837 | ApplyExpression Replace("20,7",",",".") Result=20.7
                            11-6-2020 18:59:20 24733837 | Handle Action oValue | n20.7
                            11-6-2020 18:59:20 24733837 | Handle Action Payload 20.7
                            11-6-2020 18:59:20 24733838 | Handle Action Topic=Payload Buiten/afdak/Temp_buiten=20.7


                              But I will look forward to use the device instead of the event route.

                              If I can do some testing just let me know.
                              Many thanks for now.


                                If you have an event trigger that is based upon a value change of device 859 then I expect in the mcsMQTT debug log a line with HSEvent and the end of the line being 859. It is a mystery as to why you do not see it. It is not associated with the event action. It is just normal device change operations.

                                Another means for mcsMQTT to be notified of a change in device 859. This is via the HS log. Does the HS log contain an indication of device 859 having a change?

