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when I search

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    when I search

    When I do a search for Children's under category. I get the following error;

    Script error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tc.channelID = t.channelID AND c.channelID = t.channelID AND c.userID = 'admin' AND t.starttime > #2003/08/07 8:13:00# AND t.category In ('Children's') AND t.starttime >=#2003/08/07 0:00:00# AND t.starttime <= #2003/08/08 0:00:00# ORDER BY t.starttime, t.t'. if strCurrentUser = "" OR strCurrentUser = "None" Then
    strCurrentUser = "admin"
    End if
    Set fs = hs.CreateStringClass
    fs.Add "SELECT top 100 t.starttime, t.endtime, t.channelnum, t.channelname, t.title, t.episode, t.description, t.category, t.episodenum,, t.subtitles, t.ratingsystem, t.rating, tc.channelNickName, t.channelID, t.programyear, t.actors, t.guests, t.hosts, t.producers, t.director, t.scheduledEvent, t.videoColor, t.videoAspect, t.repeatshowing FROM tvlistings t, userChannels c, tvchannels tc WHERE tc.channelID = t.channelID AND c.channelID = t.channelID AND c.userID = '"
    fs.Add strCurrentUser
    fs.Add "' AND t.starttime > "
    fs.Add datString
    fs.Add Year(Now)
    fs.Add "/"
    fs.Add Right("0" & Month(Now),2)
    fs.Add "/"
    fs.Add Right("0" & Day(Now),2)
    fs.Add " "
    fs.Add Hour(Now)
    fs.Add ":"
    fs.Add Right("0" & Minute(Now),2)
    fs.Add ":00"
    fs.Add datString
    fs.Add " "
    if Request.Form("title") <> "" Then
    title = Request.Form("title")
    title = Replace(title,"'","''")
    Select case Request.Form("matchtitle")
    case 1 fs.Add " AND t.title Like '%"
    fs.Add title
    fs.Add "%' "
    case 2 fs.Add " AND t.title Like '"
    fs.Add title
    fs.Add "%' "
    case 3 fs.Add " AND t.title = '"
    fs.Add title
    fs.Add "' "
    End Select
    End if
    if Request.Form("nottitle") <> "" Then
    nottitle = Request.Form("nottitle")
    nottitle = Replace(nottitle,"'","''")
    Select case Request.Form("notmatchtitle")
    case 1 fs.Add " AND t.title NOT Like '%"
    fs.Add nottitle
    fs.Add "%' "
    case 2 fs.Add " AND t.title NOT Like '"
    fs.Add nottitle
    fs.Add "%' "
    case 3 fs.Add " AND t.title <> '"
    fs.Add nottitle
    fs.Add "' "
    End Select
    End if
    if Request.Form("episode") <> "" Then
    episode = Request.Form("episode")
    episode = Replace(episode,"'","''")
    Select case Request.Form("matchepisode")
    case 1 fs.Add " AND t.episode Like '%"
    fs.Add episode
    fs.Add "%' "
    case 2 fs.Add " AND t.episode Like '"
    fs.Add episode
    fs.Add "%' "
    case 3 fs.Add " AND t.episode = '"
    fs.Add episode
    fs.Add "' "
    End Select
    End if
    if Request.Form("notepisode") <> "" Then
    notepisode = Request.Form("notepisode")
    notepisode = Replace(notepisode,"'","''")
    Select case Request.Form("notmatchepisode")
    case 1 fs.Add " AND t.episode NOT Like '%"
    fs.Add notepisode
    fs.Add "%' "
    case 2 fs.Add " AND t.episode NOT Like '"
    fs.Add notepisode
    fs.Add "%' "
    case 3 fs.Add " AND t.episode <> '"
    fs.Add notepisode
    fs.Add "' "
    End Select
    End if
    if Request.Form("keywords") <> "" Then
    arrKeywords = Split(Request.Form("keywords")," ")
    Select case Request.Form("matchkeyword")
    case 1 fs.Add "AND ("
    for x = 0 to UBound(arrKeywords)
    fs.Add "t.description Like '%"
    fs.Add arrKeywords(x)
    fs.Add "%' "
    if x < UBound[arrKeywords) Then
    fs.Add "OR "
    End if
    fs.Add ") "
    case 2 fs.Add "AND ("
    for x = 0 to UBound(arrKeywords)
    fs.Add "t.description Like '%"
    fs.Add arrKeywords(x)
    fs.Add "%' "
    if x < UBound[arrKeywords) Then
    fs.Add "AND "
    End if
    fs.Add ") "
    case 3 fs.Add "AND t.description Like '%"
    fs.Add Request.Form("keywords")
    fs.Add "%' "
    End Select
    End if
    if Request.Form("notkeyword") <> "" Then
    arrKeywords = Split(Request.Form("notkeyword")," ")
    Select case Request.Form("notmatch")
    case 1 fs.Add "AND NOT ("
    for x = 0 to UBound(arrKeywords)
    fs.Add "t.description Like '%"
    fs.Add arrKeywords(x)
    fs.Add "%' "
    if x < UBound[arrKeywords) Then
    fs.Add "OR "
    End if
    fs.Add ") "
    case 2 fs.Add "AND NOT ("
    for x = 0 to UBound(arrKeywords)
    fs.Add "t.description Like '%"
    fs.Add arrKeywords(x)
    fs.Add "%' "
    if x < UBound[arrKeywords) Then
    fs.Add "AND "
    End if
    fs.Add ") "
    case 3 fs.Add "AND t.description NOT Like '%"
    fs.Add Request.Form("notkeyword")
    fs.Add "%' "
    End Select
    End if
    if Request.Form("yearmade") <> "" Then
    fs.Add " AND (t.programyear "
    if Request.Form("yeardir") = 1 Then
    fs.Add " < "
    fs.Add " > "
    End if
    fs.Add " '"
    fs.Add Request.Form("yearmade")
    fs.Add "' OR t.programyear Is NULL )"
    End if
    if Request.Form("category") <> "" Then
    fs.Add " AND t.category In ('"
    fs.Add Replace(Request.Form("category"),",","','")
    fs.Add "') "
    End if
    if Request.Form("channel") <> "" Then
    if Request.Form("channel") = "Favs Only" Then
    fs.Add " AND tc.channelFavorite = 1 "
    fs.Add " AND t.channelID In ('"
    fs.Add Replace(Request.Form("channel"),",","','")
    fs.Add "') "
    End if
    End if
    if Request.Form("credittypename") <> "" Then
    Select case Request.Form("credittype")
    case 1 strField = "actors"
    case 2 strField = "guests"
    case 3 strField = "hosts"
    case 4 strField = "director"
    case 5 strField = "producers"
    End Select
    fs.Add "AND ("
    fs.Add strField
    fs.Add " Like '%"
    fs.Add Request.Form("credittypename")
    fs.Add "%')"
    End if
    if Request.Form("ratings") <> "" Then
    fs.Add " AND t.rating In ('"
    fs.Add Replace(Request.Form("ratings"),",","','")
    fs.Add "') "
    End if
    if Request.Form("fromdate") <> "" AND Request.Form("todate") <> "" Then
    fs.Add " AND t.starttime >="
    fs.Add datString
    datDate1 = Request.Form("fromdate")
    fs.Add Year(datDate1)
    fs.Add "/"
    fs.Add Right("0" & Month(datDate1),2)
    fs.Add "/"
    fs.Add Right("0" & Day(datDate1),2)
    fs.Add " "
    fs.Add Hour(datDate1)
    fs.Add ":"
    fs.Add Right("0" & Minute(datDate1),2)
    fs.Add ":00"
    fs.Add datString
    fs.Add " AND t.starttime <= "
    datDate2 = Request.Form("todate")
    fs.Add datString
    fs.Add Year(datDate2)
    fs.Add "/"
    fs.Add Right("0" & Month(datDate2),2)
    fs.Add "/"
    fs.Add Right("0" & Day(datDate2),2)
    fs.Add " "
    fs.Add Hour(datDate2)
    fs.Add ":"
    fs.Add Right("0" & Minute(datDate2),2)
    fs.Add ":00"
    fs.Add datString
    fs.Add " "
    End if
    if Request.Form("sortby") <> "" Then
    select case Request.Form("sortby")
    case 1 fs.Add "ORDER BY t.starttime, t.title, tc.channelNickName "
    intBold = 1
    case 2 fs.Add "ORDER BY t.title, t.starttime, tc.channelNickName "
    intBold = 2
    case 3 fs.Add "ORDER BY tc.channelNickName, t.starttime, t.title "
    intBold = 3
    End select
    End if
    strSQL = fs.Value
    arrResults = RunSelectQuery(strSQL,dbname)
    if arrResults(0,0) = "No_Data" Then
    intRC = 0
    intRC = 1
    End if
    fs.Add "SELECT OptionValue, OptionName FROM UserOptions WHERE UserID = '"
    fs.Add strCurrentUser
    fs.Add "'"
    strSQL = fs.Value
    arrOptions = RunSelectQuery(strSQL,dbname)
    Set fs = Nothing
    intShowRemind = 1
    intShowRecord = 1
    intShowWatch = 1
    intShowRepeats = 1
    intShowFavs = 1
    if arrOptions(0,0) <> "No_Data" Then
    for x = 0 to UBound(arrOptions,2)
    strName = arrOptions(1,x)
    strValue = arrOptions(0,x)
    select case strName
    case "intJumpWhen" intJumpWhen = CSng(strValue)
    case "intHoursWide" intHoursWide = CSng(strValue)
    case "intRepeatHours" intRepeatHours = strValue
    case "intShowNameNum" intShowNameNum = strValue
    case "intShowCatLegend" intShowCatLegend = strValue
    case "intUsePopup" intUsePopup = strValue
    case "intDispShowLength" intDispShowLength = strValue
    case "strShowSubTles" strShowSubTles = strValue
    case "strShowAudio" strShowAudio = strValue
    case "strShowRating" strShowRating = strValue
    case "strShowEPNum" strShowEPNum = strValue
    case "strShowCat" strShowCat = strValue
    case "intUseNickName" intUseNickName = strValue
    case "intShowWeekDay" intShowWeekDay = strValue
    case "intShowRemind" intShowRemind = strValue
    case "intShowRecord" intShowRecord = strValue
    case "intShowWatch" intShowWatch = strValue
    case "intShowRepeats" intShowRepeats = strValue
    case "intShowFavs" intShowFavs = strValue
    end select
    End if

    All other searches work fine.

    I see the problem. It's the ' in the word children's.

    I'll get that fixed.

    Jeff Farmer
    HomeSeer user since March, 2000

    Jeff Farmer
    HS 3, HSPhone
    My HS3 Plugins: CFHSExtras, Random, Restart, Tracker, WeatherXML, PanaBluRay
    Other Plugins In Use: APCUPSD, BLOnkyo, Device History, EasyTrigger, HSTouch Server, PHLocation2, Pushover, RFXCom, UltraGCIR3, UltraMon3, UltraPioneerAVR3, X10, Z-Wave

    Hardware: GoControl Irrigation Controler, Schlage Lever Lock, Schlage Deadbolt, Way2Call Hi-Phone, RFXCom RFXrec433 Receiver, WGL 800, TI-103, Z-Net, Pioneer 1120, Pioneer 1021, Pioneer LX302, Panasonic BDT-110, Panasonic BDT-210 x2


      Whar do I need to do to fix my search or do I need to wait for an update?
      Thanks CF Guy!
      Really some excellent work done here!!!!
      I will use the heck out of this plugin!


        You will have to wait for the fix. But it will take less than 5 minutes to fix it so when I get home, I'll do that first thing and post it here in the thread so you don't have to wait for a new release in the updater.

        Jeff Farmer
        HomeSeer user since March, 2000

        Jeff Farmer
        HS 3, HSPhone
        My HS3 Plugins: CFHSExtras, Random, Restart, Tracker, WeatherXML, PanaBluRay
        Other Plugins In Use: APCUPSD, BLOnkyo, Device History, EasyTrigger, HSTouch Server, PHLocation2, Pushover, RFXCom, UltraGCIR3, UltraMon3, UltraPioneerAVR3, X10, Z-Wave

        Hardware: GoControl Irrigation Controler, Schlage Lever Lock, Schlage Deadbolt, Way2Call Hi-Phone, RFXCom RFXrec433 Receiver, WGL 800, TI-103, Z-Net, Pioneer 1120, Pioneer 1021, Pioneer LX302, Panasonic BDT-110, Panasonic BDT-210 x2


          Here is a zip file with the search results page. It now works with children's category.

          Jeff Farmer
          HomeSeer user since March, 2000

          Attached Files
          Jeff Farmer
          HS 3, HSPhone
          My HS3 Plugins: CFHSExtras, Random, Restart, Tracker, WeatherXML, PanaBluRay
          Other Plugins In Use: APCUPSD, BLOnkyo, Device History, EasyTrigger, HSTouch Server, PHLocation2, Pushover, RFXCom, UltraGCIR3, UltraMon3, UltraPioneerAVR3, X10, Z-Wave

          Hardware: GoControl Irrigation Controler, Schlage Lever Lock, Schlage Deadbolt, Way2Call Hi-Phone, RFXCom RFXrec433 Receiver, WGL 800, TI-103, Z-Net, Pioneer 1120, Pioneer 1021, Pioneer LX302, Panasonic BDT-110, Panasonic BDT-210 x2

