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Error enabling after license purchase

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    Error enabling after license purchase

    I am a not very familiar with HS and have inherited this system from a previous user. I tried to follow the directions in your "Having Problems?..." post. I don't see where to set the logging to trace or where to find the specific plug-ins log.
    HomeSeer Version: HS3 Pro Edition (Windows)
    Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard - Server
    Device History version

    We used Device History back in October 2020 under a free trial period. I went to use it this week and discovered that fact of the free trial had expired. We purchased the license and I applied the license from the plugs-ins manage screen. However I get this message for the Plug-In Status:
    WARNING: Failed getting InterfaceStatus from Device History - the interface was not found in the list of active interfaces, the list may need to be refreshed.
    And this message in the Log when disabling and re-enabling the plug-in.
    Apr-29 09:48:57 Plug-In Finished initializing plug-in Device History
    Apr-29 09:48:57 Error Initializing plug-in(2): Device History Instance::Unable to find a constructor to use for type skWare.HomeSeer.DeviceHistory.Core.DeviceParameters. A class should either have a default constructor, one constructor with arguments or a constructor marked with the JsonConstructor attribute. Path 'PrimaryDevice.Ref', line 1, position 24.STACK: Server stack trace: Exception rethrown at [0]: at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessag e(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(Mess ageData& msgData, Int32 type) at HomeSeerAPI.IPlugInAPI.InitIO(String port) at Scheduler.clsHSPI.CheckInterfaces()
    Apr-29 09:48:56 Info Plugin Device History has connected. IP:
    The Device history is intended to chart the temporature of 2 fridges via RFXCOM devices.

    I have tried restarting the Homeseer service in windows, and looked from some form posts to clues. Please help.

    That's definitely a new one... off the top of my head, my first guess would be that the plugin EXE and the core DLL are mismatched.

    Here's what I would try:
    • Stop the plugin.
    • Check Task Manager to make sure it's not still running.
    • Delete the HS3\bin\skWare\DeviceHistory folder.
    • Restart HS3.
    • Install the current Device History plugin.
    You won't lose any of your data or config this way, but you'll be sure to have the right code in place.

    If you want to turn on the higher logging you can edit the HS3\Config\HSPI_SKWARE_DEVICE_HISTORY.INI file and set LogLevelFile to 7 while the plugin isn't running.


      I tried the above, twice. I didn't see a difference in the logs after I changed LogLevelFile to 7, I also tried LogLeverHS to 7 also but still didn't see anything other than what I shared above. I am looking at the logs though the web gui menu VIEW>LOGS.


        Based on the error, it's happening in the "InitIO" method (which is the first thing HS calls when it loads the plugin). There's probably something malformed in your INI file, so the next thing to try would be to delete the INI file (make a backup somewhere else first) and try starting it again. It's most likely in your saved favorites, actually, so you could try just deleting that section...


          Deleting the .ini files worked. thank you


            Glad to hear that - I'll look at how I can better handle bad favorite entries.

            (You've probably discovered this already, but if you deleted the whole INI file, you'll need to re-add your monitored devices.)

