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Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.

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    Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.

    I'm trying to convert my HS2 telephone script to HS3, but get multiple errors stating
    Compiling script D:\HomeSeer HS3\scripts\CID_in_V01.vb: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.
    Can someone point me to what needs to change for HS3?

    Sub Main(ByVal Parms As Object)
    dim cname
    dim cnumber
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim AddrBkIndex As Integer
    Dim intAdrCount As Integer = hsp.ADRCount
    Dim objContact As Scheduler.clsContact
    Dim strName As String
    Dim strAdrName As String
    Dim strNumber As String = ""
    Dim strAnnounce As String
    Dim CT_CIDFLAGS_BLOCKED as Boolean
    Dim Byte1, Byte2 As Byte
    Dim MyByte, MyBit
    cname = hs.LastCallerInfo(1)
    AddrBkIndex = 0					'
    '*** Send to HSTouch *** 
    	hs.writelog("CIDNumber", "Script CID: " & hsp.cidnumber(1))
    	hs.setdevicestring("Z4", MkPhoneNum(hsp.cidnumber(1)), True)
          hs.SetDeviceLastChange("Z4", Now)
    	hs.writelog("CIDName", "Script CID name: " & hsp.cidname(1))
          hs.setdevicestring("Z3", cname, True)
          hs.SetDeviceLastChange("Z3", Now)
    	hs.writelog("CIDName", "Script last-caller name: " & cname)
          hs.setdevicestring("Z5", " ", True)
          hs.SetDeviceLastChange("Z5", Now)
    '**  HSP.HIPSendLocalCID(1,cname, hsp.cidnumber(1))
    strName = hsp.CIDName(1)
    strNumber = hsp.CIDNumber(1)
    If strNumber.Length > 3 Then 
    	strNumber = strNumber.Substring(0, 3) & "-" & strNumber.Substring(3, 3) & "-" & strNumber.Substring(strNumber.Length - 4)
    End If
    hs.writelog("LookFor", strName & "  " & strNumber)
    For I = 1 to intAdrCount            'Search the address book for a match
       objContact = hsp.ADRGet(I)
    	'  hs.WriteLog "AdrEntry1", CStr(I) & " - " & objContact.FIRST & " " & objContact.LAST & " - " & objContact.cid_group_category 
    	'  hs.writelog("AdrEntry2", "Cell: " & objContact.cell_phone & "  Home: " & objContact.home_phone )
    	'** if the phone number or the CID Name matches
       	If objContact.cell_phone = strNumber OR objContact.home_phone = strNumber OR objContact.business_phone = strNumber OR objContact.cid_name = strName Then 
    		'** save index of the match
    		AddrBkIndex = I
    		'** test the "blocked" flag - if false, send CID info to phones
    		CT_CIDFLAGS_BLOCKED  = FALSE   'reset flag prior to testing
    		CT_CIDFLAGS_BLOCKED  = ExamineBit(objContact.CIDFLAGS, 1)
    			HSP.HIPSendLocalCID(1,cname, hsp.cidnumber(1))
    		End if
    			hs.setdevicestring("Z5", "Blocked", True)
    			hs.SetDeviceLastChange("Z5", Now)
    		End if
    		hs.WriteLog("AdrMatch", CStr(I) & " - " & strNumber & " " & objContact.cid_name)    ' Match found
                strAdrName = objContact.FIRST & " " & objContact.LAST
                strName = strAdrName
    		'** special processing for entries marked as Family
    		'If objContact.cid_group_category = "Family" Then
                 '   HSP.HIPSendLocalCID(1,cname, hsp.cidnumber(1))
                 '  strAnnounce = objContact.announce_local_wav
                 '   hs.WriteLog("AdrMatchF", strAdrName)
                   '     hs.Run("StartGeneralAnnounce.vb")
                   '     hsp.WaitMS(100)
                   '     hs.Speak(strAnnounce, True)
                   '     hs.WaitSecs(1)
                   '     hs.Speak(strName, True)
                   '     hsp.WaitMS(100)
                   '     hs.Run("RestoreRussoundGeneral.vb")
               ' End If
               I = intAdrCount
          End If
    '** if no match found in address book, index will be zero.  If so, send CID info to phones
    If AddrBkIndex = 0
    	HSP.HIPSendLocalCID(1,cname, hsp.cidnumber(1))
    	hs.WriteLog("AdrMatch", CStr(I) & " No match found")    ' No match found
    End if
    End Sub
    Private Function MkPhoneNum(byVal number)
    Dim tmp
        number = CStr( number)
        number = Trim( number)
        number = Replace( number, " ", "" )
        number = Replace( number, "-", "" )
        number = Replace( number, "(", "" )
        number = Replace( number, ")", "" )
        Select Case Len( number )
           Case 7
              tmp = tmp & Mid( number, 1, 3 ) & "-"
              tmp = tmp & Mid( number, 4, 4 )
           Case 10
              tmp = tmp & "(" & Mid( number, 1, 3 ) & ") "
              tmp = tmp & Mid( number, 4, 3 ) & "-"
              tmp = tmp & Mid( number, 7, 4 )
           Case 11
                tmp = tmp & Mid( number, 1, 1 ) & " " 
                tmp = tmp & "(" & Mid( number, 2, 3 ) & ") " 
                tmp = tmp & Mid( number, 5, 3 ) & "-" 
                tmp = tmp & Mid( number, 8, 4 ) 
            Case Else 
                MkPhoneNum = "Invalid" 
                Exit Function 
        End Select 
        MkPhoneNum = tmp 
    End Function  
    Function ExamineBit(ByVal MyByte, ByVal MyBit) As Boolean
    	Dim BitMask As Int16
    	BitMask = 2 ^ (MyBit - 1)
    	ExamineBit = ((MyByte And BitMask) > 0)
    End Function
    Last edited by ITguyHS; June 8, 2014, 01:39 PM. Reason: Solved

    HomeSeer Pro, HS3Touch, Zwave, Envisalink DSC, WeatherXML, Z-stick, HS phone, Way2Call

    Found the answer. In the function MkPhoneNum (last thing in the script), changing it from Private Function to just Function allows it to run without errors.

    HomeSeer Pro, HS3Touch, Zwave, Envisalink DSC, WeatherXML, Z-stick, HS phone, Way2Call

