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Installing mcsxapadiOcelot in HS3 for X10 and IR Support

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    Installing mcsxapadiOcelot in HS3 for X10 and IR Support

    Since I just went through this process, and it's fairly complex, I decided to document it here. I'm sure several others have gone through this as well in order to regain use of the venerable Applied Digital Ocelot.

    Personally I think the way HS left this device's support (Even the plugin that was released is buggy for I/O support) is reprehensible. Enough said on that topic.

    I initially installed the TI103 for X10 support, but it has issues of it's own. I also use the Applied Digital I/O modules, and after finding that lacking in the HS Ocelot HS3 plugin, I decided to take the plunge and move back to the Ocelot using the xap process.

    Basically it works like this:

    HS3 -> xap -> xapmcsAdiOcelot program.

    A bit more work than native X10, but I need the stability/reliability of the Ocelot as it was rock solid for me and I still have PLC for all my lighting controls.

    Here's the step by step instructions I wrote as I went along. Hope it helps anyone else going down this path. It will probably work for any other xap Program, not just the AdiOcelot version.

    This focuses on I/O and X10, but IR support would be just as easy to add. I moved to the HarmonyHub once IR wasn't an option for me with the Ocelot and I'm very happy with that software.

    Installing xapmcsadiOcelot in HS3 for X10 Support

    Download Preparation:

    Download the following xap files:
    1. xapmcsadiOcelot -
    2. mcsxapHS3 Plugin -
    3. xap xFx Express Hub -
    4. CMAX cmaxv200ex318 -
    5. IR_Max (Optional) -
    6. xap viewer (Optional) -

    If you are installing on Windows 7 or newer (I have Windows 10 x64) you may need the following ActiveX controls.
    Windows 10 will need them. These are used by the xapmcsadiOcelot.exe file in the system tray.

    2. TABCTL32.OCX -
    3. COMDLG32.OCX -

    Device Preparation:

    Make a printout of your HS3 X10 devices:
    Filter by type X10
    Sort by code
    Print list to PDF

    Create a test X10 device that you don't have configured in HS3, or change the code of an existing device to something not configured in HS3.
    Use a light or something you can observe in testing/troubleshooting.
    Note: don't use and existing HS3 X10 device, it won't work.

    Make a printout of your HS3 Events:
    View > Events
    Click the yellow arrow to expand every event group
    Click the yellow arrow (second icon) in "Events:" to expand every event in the group.
    Print to PDF

    Ocelot Prepartion:

    You will probably need the newest CMAX program, so if you don't have it (I had 1.7j) copy the CMAX installer downloaded earlier onto your HS3 machine and install.
    Remember the path you install CMAX into, you will need it later.
    Run CMAX, configure the com port if necessary and attach to the Ocelot to ensure everything is functioning.
    CMAX will probably tell you you need to update the executive file. Go ahead and do that.
    Go back to the main CMAX screen and create a Project file if you never had one, or open your existing file.
    If you never had a System Map, create one now with Project > System Map
    Edit your I/O points, X10 devices, and IR codes to give them names, it will make life easier later.
    Add your program if you have one, or just create a blank program that has "End Program" as the first line.
    Save the project file.
    Close CMAX, then reopen it and load your project file. Make sure everything is still there.

    Homeseer Computer xap Installs:

    xFx Express Hub

    Install on your HS3 machine. I used Local System Account.
    Run the xFx-Express Hub (console, verbose) link after install. This will open a console window.


    Extract the files and folders. They have the structure of the HS3 install folders so you can copy them to the same folder as the HS3 exe and they should wind up in the right places
    Docs (Folder)
    HTML (Folder)
    Scripts (Folder)

    ActiveX Controls on Windows 7 and above:

    Press (Win-R) and paste %WINDIR%\SysWOW64 into the dialog, hit enter to open the folder.
    Copy all 3 files into the root of this folder

    Open a command prompt as administrator and run
    regsvr32 %WINDIR%\syswow64\MSWINSCK.OCX
    It is caps sensitive so if your MSWINSCK.OCX file name is lowercase, use lowercase name in the command.
    Repeat for each of the 3 files.
    You should get a success dialog for each install.

    Run xapmcsadiOcelot.exe that you copied into the HS3 folder.
    The first time it will take a few minutes to appear as it doesn't know how to talk to the Ocelot.
    The program will appear in the System trap as a blue adi Icon.
    Right click and select GUI setup or Browser Setup (either will work)

    Select the CMAX tab of the GUI
    Add the Project File Path to the project you created earlier.
    Add the cpuxa.exe path for CMAX install path earlier.
    Add IRmax.exe path if you use it (optional)
    In "Include Following for Synchronization" check the components you want to use. I used I/O and X10.
    Click the "Synchronize AdiOcelot to CMAX" button.
    Under I/O Devices tab, select the inputs you want to use.
    Click the "Update" button to close the GUI.
    Right click the mcsxapadiOcelot icon in the system tray again and select "Browser"
    The AdiOcelot interface should open in IE (this only works in IE due to ActiveX componenets).

    If you started in the GUI interface, the "Include X10", etc. sections should already be checked.
    Under the "Unit" section, you should see the Ocelot/CPU-XA/Leopard and any modules listed
    Under the "Connectivity" section, fill out the Serial Comm Port for the Ocelot.
    Click Save
    Under the "ADIOcelot X10, IR, Variables and IO Points" section, you should see the various parts you included.
    If everything went well, your System map names will appear here. There should be controls of "OFF","DIM","ON" for X10 devices.
    Select the "Used" checkbox for all the items you want to appear in HS3.
    Click Save.
    Click on or off on your X10 test devices. You should see the messages appear in the hub and the device should change state.
    Close the browser window.


    On your HS3 machine, copy the HS3 plugin exe and config file in the same directory as HS3 exe
    Open a browser session to HS3
    Go to Plugins > Manage > Enable the plugin
    Go to Plugins > mcsXap > xAP Setup
    Click the "Refresh/Rebuild" button.
    Under the "xAP Message Reject / Accept" section you will see xap messages that have been received.
    The LastDate column shows the date/time of messages.

    Right click the xapmcsadiOcelot icon in the HS3 computer system tray again and select "Browser"
    Click the on or off control for you test device. It should change to the selected state.

    If you don't have anything at this point, go back to the xFx Hub window and make sure messages are appearing here. You should see heartbeat messages at the minimum.
    Open the xapmcsadiOcelot > Browser menu and click on or off on one of the X10 devices. You should see the messages appear in the hub and the device should change state.
    If not, stop here and ask for help.

    Go back to the HS3 browser session.
    Click the "Refresh/Rebuild" button in xAP Setup
    You should see a message type for your test device with a similar ending to "xap-x10.event.E5" where E5 is the device code.
    Check the 3rd column labeled "A" next to that message.
    You should now have an HS3 device you can control.
    Click the HS3 "Home" button and look for the device that was created with the same name (search for the device code).
    Rename the device to something sensible, add a Room or Floor as appropriate.
    Click the on or off control to control the device. The device should change state as directed.

    Note, don't try to duplicate an existing X10 device, it won't work.

    Devices and Events:

    This is the painful part. You'll need to delete every X10 device one by one and recreate them using the process above.
    Test each device as you create them.
    Once you've recreated the device, go the events that referenced it and add it again.
    Helpful trick:
    If you filter the events by "Referencing Device" before deleting, the filter will stay in place after deleting. This helps to easily recall the events the device needs to be added to.

    Once complete, make sure you add the xFx hub and xapmcsAdiOcelot exes to the startup folder, or use whatever method you have for automatic startup.

    You can switch the hub to a service based hub once you're done troubleshooting/monitoring.

    Again, hope this helps anyone else who is reluctant to jump into this change. If you have been running this method for some time, I'd like to hear about how stable it is.
    Last edited by mterry63; March 1, 2016, 08:34 PM.

    Excellent contribution. It also provides a good general guide for similar integration of other xAP applications with HS.

