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Can SceneMaster be used to Dim JowiHue lights

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    Can SceneMaster be used to Dim JowiHue lights

    JowiHue has separate devices for:
    • On/Off/Alert
    • Brightness

    I have one Leviton (instant status) dimming overhead lights and 10 hue lights that I want to be a "dimming slave" to the Leviton switch.

    Has anyone attempted this before with Scene Master?

    maybe this helps

    Hi Agilehumor,

    To dim JowiHue lights with scenemaster I added both devices (on/off and brightness) in the scene config. see screenshot.
    Scene dimming does not work because the brightness device is not really a dimming device.
    But when you define multiple scenes with different brightness values it might work.

    Attached Files


      Thanks sir! I was hoping to finally be able to control the brightness of the hue lights from or Leviton dimmer.

      Your non-linear dimming is great. I hope to still leverage your scenes for my lighting needs as they vary during the day.



        scene selector

        Hi there,

        I'm trying to accomplish a similar scenario, and so far works as suggested - thank you.

        I did notice you have a virtual switch in your scene config that appears to be a scene selector? Is that something you created yourself as a virtual device? I was looking to include something similar in my setup.



          virtual device

          Originally posted by transparent View Post
          Hi there,

          I'm trying to accomplish a similar scenario, and so far works as suggested - thank you.

          I did notice you have a virtual switch in your scene config that appears to be a scene selector? Is that something you created yourself as a virtual device? I was looking to include something similar in my setup.

          Correct, I wanted to have 1 simple homeseer device to select a Hue scene. I wrote a few lines of code to create and update device actions buttons using the JowiHue plugin

          Sub StartHueScene(ByVal Parm As Object)
                  Dim AllOff() As Object = { True, "All Lights” }
                  Dim CBlue As String = "<font color='#000080'>"
                  Dim CGreen As String = "<font color='#008000'>"
                  Dim CEnd As String = "</font>"
                  Dim SceneValue As Double = hs.DeviceValue(1006)
                  If SceneValue = 0 Then 'all Lights off
                      Dim Result As Boolean = hs.PluginFunction("JowiHue", "", "SetLightsOff", AllOff)
                      hs.WriteLog("HueControl", String.Format("Hue scene: {0}{3}{2} with success: {1}{4}{2}",CBlue,CGreen, _
                       Dim Scenes As Object = hs.PluginFunction("JowiHue", "", "GetScenes", Nothing)
                       Dim Scene() As String = Split(Scenes(SceneValue-1),",")
                       Dim Result As Boolean = hs.PluginFunction("JowiHue", "", "StartScene", Scene)
                       hs.WriteLog("HueControl", String.Format("Start Hue scene: {0}{3}{2} with success: {1}{4}{2}",CBlue,CGreen, _
                  End If
              Catch ex As Exception
                  hs.WriteLog("HueControl.vb", "Exception: " & ex.Message.ToString)
              End Try
          End Sub
          Sub StartHueAnimation(ByVal Parm As Object)
                  Dim AnimationAllOff() As Object = {"all”}
                  Dim AnimationValue As Double = hs.DeviceValue(1066)
                  if AnimationValue = 0 Then 'all off
                      Dim Result As Boolean = hs.PluginFunction("JowiHue", "", "StopAnimation", AnimationAllOff)
                      hs.WriteLog("HueControl", "stop Hue animation: " & chr(34) & String.Join(".",AnimationAllOff) & chr(34) & ", success: " & Result.ToString)
                       Dim Animations As Object = hs.PluginFunction("JowiHue", "", "GetAnimations", Nothing)
                       Dim Animation() As String = Split(Animations(AnimationValue-1) & ",", ",")
                       Dim Result As Boolean = hs.PluginFunction("JowiHue", "", "StartAnimation", Animation)
                       hs.WriteLog("HueControl", "start Hue animation: " &  chr(34) & Animations(0).ToString & chr(34) & ", success: " & Result.ToString )
                  End If
              Catch ex As Exception
                  hs.WriteLog("HueControl.vb", "Exception: " & ex.Message.ToString)
              End Try
          End Sub
          Sub UpdateSceneDevice(ByVal Parm As Object)
                  Dim CBlue As String = "<font color='#000080'>"
                  Dim CGreen As String = "<font color='#008000'>"
                  Dim CEnd As String = "</font>"
                  Dim Scenes As Object = hs.PluginFunction("JowiHue", "", "GetScenes", Nothing)
                  Dim i As Byte = 0
                  Dim dvRef As Integer = 1006
                  Dim Pair As VSPair
                  Dim Result As Boolean
                  Dim SceneName As String = "All Lights Off"
                  '0 = all lights off
                  Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both)
                  Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue
                  Pair.Status = SceneName
                  Pair.Value = 0
                  Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button
                  Result = hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair)
                  hs.WriteLog("HueControl", String.Format("Device: {0}{3}{2} value {0}{4}{2} Set to {1}{5}{2}, exitcode: {1}{6}{2}", _
                  'add JowiHue scenes
                  i += 1
                  For Each SceneName As String In Scenes
                      Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both)
                      Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue
                      Pair.Status = SceneName.ToString          
                      Pair.Value = i
                      Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button
                      Result = hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair)
                      hs.WriteLog("HueControl", String.Format("Device: {0}{3}{2} value {0}{4}{2} Set to {1}{5}{2}, exitcode: {1}{6}{2}", _
                      i += 1
              Catch ex As Exception
                  hs.WriteLog("HueControl.vb", "Exception: " & ex.Message.ToString)
              End Try
          End Sub
          Sub UpdateAnimationDevice(ByVal Parm As Object)
                  Dim CBlue As String = "<font color='#000080'>"
                  Dim CGreen As String = "<font color='#008000'>"
                  Dim CEnd As String = "</font>"
                  Dim Animations As Object = hs.PluginFunction("JowiHue", "", "GetAnimations", Nothing)
                  Dim i As Byte = 0
                  Dim dvRef As Integer = 1066
                  Dim Pair As VSPair
                  Dim Result As Boolean
                  Dim AnimationName As String = "Stop all animations"
                  '0 = stop animation
                  Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both)
                  Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue
                  Pair.Status = AnimationName
                  Pair.Value = 0
                  Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button
                  Result = hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair)
                  hs.WriteLog("HueControl", String.Format("Device: {0}{3}{2} value {0}{4}{2} Set to {1}{5}{2}, exitcode: {1}{6}{2}", _
                  'add JowiHue animations
                  i += 1
                  For Each AnimationName As String In Animations
                      Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both)
                      Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue
                      Pair.Status = AnimationName.ToString
                      Pair.Value = i
                      Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button
                      Result = hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair)
                      hs.WriteLog("HueControl", String.Format("Device: {0}{3}{2} value {0}{4}{2} Set to {1}{5}{2}, exitcode: {1}{6}{2}", _
                      i += 1
              Catch ex As Exception
                  hs.WriteLog("HueControl.vb", "Exception: " & ex.Message.ToString)
              End Try
          End Sub


            Brilliant! Thank you, that gives me lots to work with.

            Much appreciated,


              I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge, but how and when do you trigger this code to get the virtual devices created?

