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Days represented in Years, Months & Days

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    Days represented in Years, Months & Days

    Has anyone written anything (I don't believe there is a function or otherwise in vbscript) to convert a number in days to Months, Days or Years, Months & Days depending on the situation?

    I began writing something and got it almost done, but it doesn't quite work for all situations. Not to mention, I'm sure it can be written much more efficiently.



    Visit Kernhome
    Kern Theater Gallery

    (User: guest / Pass: guest)

    I have not had the need, but the approach I would use is someting like the following

    idays = 400
    startDate = DateAdd("d",-idays,now)
    Years = DateDiff("yyyy",startDate,now)
    EndOfYears = DateAdd("yyyy",Years,startDate)
    Months = DateDiff("m",EndOfYears,now)
    EndOfMonths = DateAdd("m",Months,EndOfYears)
    Days = DateDiff("d",EndOfMonths,now)
    msgbox Years & "," & Months & "," & Days



      Thanks for the alternate approach, definitely more efficient than mine. I'll need to tweak it a bit but this gives me what I need. Thanks again.


      Visit Kernhome
      Kern Theater Gallery

      (User: guest / Pass: guest)


        Well, here is what I have so far. I'm trying to get it to work for all situations and am about to give up. Can anyone set me straight here?



        Function FormatDays(idays)
        Dim startdate, years, endofyears, months, endofmonths, days, stemp
        Dim Separator

        startDate = DateAdd("d", -idays, now)
        ' MsgBox "Start-" & startdate
        Years = DateDiff("yyyy", startDate, now)
        ' MsgBox "years-" & years
        If years = 0 Then
        EndOfYears = DateAdd("yyyy", years, startDate)
        EndOfYears = DateAdd("yyyy", years - 1, startDate)
        years = years - 1
        End If
        ' MsgBox "EndYears-" & endofyears
        Months = DateDiff("m", EndOfYears, now)
        ' MsgBox "months-" & months
        If months = 0 Then
        EndOfMonths = DateAdd("m", months, EndOfYears)
        EndOfMonths = DateAdd("m", months - 1, EndOfYears)
        months = months - 1
        End If
        ' MsgBox "endofmonths-" & endofmonths
        Days = DateDiff("d", EndOfMonths, now)
        ' MsgBox "days-" & days

        sTemp = ""
        If CInt(Years) = 1 Then
        sTemp = Years & " Year"
        Separator = ", "
        ElseIf CInt(Years) > 0 Then
        sTemp = Years & " Years"
        Separator = ", "
        End If

        If CInt(Months) = 1 Then
        sTemp = sTemp & Separator & Months & " Month"
        Separator = ", "
        ElseIf CInt(Months) > 0 Then
        sTemp = sTemp & Separator & Months & " Months"
        Separator = ", "
        End If

        If CInt(Days) = 1 Then
        sTemp = sTemp & Separator & Days & " Day"
        Elseif CInt(Days) > 0 Then
        sTemp = sTemp & Separator & Days & " Days"
        End If

        FormatDays = sTemp

        End Function

        Visit Kernhome
        Kern Theater Gallery

        (User: guest / Pass: guest)


          Is this what you're looking for?

          <pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

          Function FormatDays(iDays)

          Dim StartDate, Years, EndOfYears, Months, EndOfMonths, Days, sTemp
          Dim CurrentDate, Separator

          CurrentDate = Now

          StartDate = DateAdd("d", -iDays, CurrentDate)

          Years = DateDiff("yyyy", StartDate, CurrentDate)
          EndOfYears = DateAdd("yyyy", Years, StartDate)

          If EndOfYears &gt; CurrentDate Then
          Years = Years - 1
          EndOfYears = DateAdd("yyyy", Years, StartDate)
          End If

          Months = DateDiff("m", EndOfYears, CurrentDate)
          EndOfMonths = DateAdd("m", Months, EndOfYears)

          If EndOfMonths &gt; CurrentDate Then
          Months = Months - 1
          EndOfMonths = DateAdd("m", Months, EndOfYears)
          End If

          Days = DateDiff("d", EndOfMonths, CurrentDate)

          sTemp = ""

          If CInt(Years) = 1 Then
          sTemp = Years & " Year"
          Separator = ", "
          ElseIf CInt(Years) &gt; 0 Then
          sTemp = Years & " Years"
          Separator = ", "
          End If

          If CInt(Months) = 1 Then
          sTemp = sTemp & Separator & Months & " Month"
          Separator = ", "
          ElseIf CInt(Months) &gt; 0 Then
          If sTemp &lt;&gt; "" Then
          sTemp = sTemp & Separator
          End If
          sTemp = sTemp & Months & " Months"
          Separator = ", "
          End If

          If CInt(Days) = 1 Then
          sTemp = sTemp & Separator & Days & " Day"
          ElseIf CInt(Days) &gt; 0 Then
          If sTemp &lt;&gt; "" Then
          sTemp = sTemp & Separator
          End If
          sTemp = sTemp & Days & " Days"
          End If

          FormatDays = sTemp

          End Function




            I finally had time to add and test this. Thank you very much.


            Visit Kernhome
            Kern Theater Gallery

            (User: guest / Pass: guest)

